Question about belt tension

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Well-known member
Feb 21, 2010
Tonight i did my first tire change since owning my buell. While i was at it i ripped my belt guards off as well. After getting everything put back together i checked to see how much tension my belt had. Since i never really had the belt guards off before i never was able to check how tight the belt is suposed to be. Is there much slack at all in the belt? (it seems like mine is pretty taunt) i just want to make ure i didnt mess anything up

No worries they are pretty tight, you shouldn't have any slack in the belt[up]
Hey Xtreme, is right the belt will stay pretty tight after the bike is put completely back together. I always remove the two Pulley nuts for that just in case deal.Thats on my XB bike.Once you put the rear wheel back on and all is done,the very top of the belt will have about 1/4 in play up and down depending on the weather.With the Bike on the ground.Check the Pulley wheel end play (bearing) when you get the chance.So that doesn't sneek up on ya. :D
Awsome thanks for the help guys!!!

Now to figure out the stupid time delay switch for the HIDs.....i may just give up on the time delay switch, and just run the HIDs without it

oh, and find a broken or messed up airbox with the vent i can cut off, and put on my bike, and I'd be all done with my winter mods!