WOW!! Thats an impressive job cataloging those parts, good job. I totally get the whole retail vs wholesale angle, not sure why others are beating you up on it. Its pretty clear you arent asking those retail prices.
Some good stuff there,, but, to be fair also, much of it is Screws, nuts and washers,, and other little odds and ends.
real nice value to perhaps a shop that does a lot of work on Buells, but more limited value to the home mechanic who is just working on his own bike. I need to get out my parts books and check those numbers, are any of the ignition keys for a Tuber? Specifically 2001 S3? or 1997 S1?
I will be interested also in seeing the list of the USED stuff as well as what you have for Sporty stuff as I have a number of project bikes.
Good job though on the details and concise specs with part numbers. Wish everyone was as detail orientated ..