Question: Bad Forks...

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Well-known member
May 12, 2009
Somehow I didn't realize I had a fork issue until I intalled a superbrace. Now I have been bottoming out on things like driveway entrances that are slightly dipped for water run-off. It had bottomed out before the brace a couple time before it was installed as well. But now its very often.

I'm sure it was intalled correctly and only torqued to 10ft-lbs per instructions.

So I found that while upright if I pull the handle bars up its sits about where it should be. Then when I sit on it sinks 2-3 inches down. (I only weigh 130lbs)

So I'm lead to believe the springs are sacked out and/or the fork oil is broken down.

The question is:
Could it just be bad fork oil? It doesn't leak that I ever been aware of. But shouldn't the springs still hold up if they were good?

Its an '06 Blast with 5K on it. I bought it maybe 8 months ago. It was a Riders Edge trainer. And I live in the heat of Phoenix.

Thanks in advance!
When you sit on the bike it shouldn't drop more than 1 inch. There is deffinantly a problem with the oil, oil level, or springs. Check the free length of the springs while out and oil level is critical.
Anybody use Screamin Eagle fork oil in the Blast forks. Figure that might make for a more sporty feel as its a thicker viscosity?
How do you replace the fork oil on a Buell Blast??? The Blast have no screw-on (removable) cover on the top of the fork to add fresh fork oil and because of this, I heard the forks had to be replaced (what a scam that is, new forks v. fresh oil) if they got bad (soft). How are you guy changing the fork oil on your Buell Blast? Thanks
Find yourself a service manual, the whole procedure is outlined there.

You can download it for cheap at Here's a list of years for the blast

Once you remove the slider tube cap there's a spring seat and a stopper ring. Then the collar, spring and everything else comes out.