Quick small questions here.

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Well-known member
May 13, 2012
Thode this would be usefull, so you dont need to make new thread for every small question.

Mine is, how should i get the left bart end weight of ? (the black hemispherical) on the thortle side it was fixed whit 4mm allen key, but on the left side there is no fixing whatso ever.
It should twist out or just pull out. Most plastic ones just have a little lip that keeps them in. Are you wanting to reuse it? If not, take some pliers and pull.
Nope, planning to replace them so that both sides match. Tryed carefully whit pliers so i guess i just need to use litle bit more force

thanks :)
Yeap! Me: 1 those rubber thingyes: 0

Just needed to supersize the pliers (they were glued on!)

second one:

Any DIY or aftermarket part to make the throtle movement shorter? I used to ride Husaberg that had ~45degree twist on the thortle from idle to full, the ~180degree on buell feels kinda odd, you need to fix your grip on the halfway when doing full twist.

Or is this one of the things that you just get used to after a while ?
Some folks use a yamaha throttle tube, forget which one, and there is a DIY mod to the stock tube, if I remember correct, it takes a bout 15 deg of rotation out, I have not done either, I never get to use all the fun built into these

The front shock's leak. The previous owner had buys new seals and oils. When he dropped the bike to shop for winter, he asked them to change the fork seals.

Well, no they didnt, sayd that he has the wrong seals. The thing is, the seals are in Buell's OEM bags, so im bit sceptic about the statement of wrong seals.

So, anyway to make positive confirm if these are the real seals, or the wrong ones, another then pulling the forks appart and then find out that they wount fit.

Thanks :)
There are 3 different fork sizes (that I'm aware of) on the xb's through the years. Early models had 41mm, middle year models had 43mm, and I think late models had larger maybe 45mm or so. Maybe they are the wrong size. What year is the bike? And what are the part numbers on the bags?
The bike is -05...

So basicly i just measure the innertube's diameter, if its a match for the seals they are good to go?
Just bought an 06 xb12r a few weeks ago (first bike so excuse the ignorance)

the low fuel light will come on from time to time while im riding then usually turn back off on its own after a few minutes. what i was wondering was if this could just be a dirty contact that needed cleaning or some other easy fix, or if i'll need to see a mechanic to get it fixed
Update on the fork seals: Mine is registered at -05 but the actual bike is -04. :)

So the seals need to be 41mm, and not the 43mm ones, now got the right parts ordered.

but, few new ones, first:

Oil consumption... How much is acceptable ? Since mine seems to drain it... alot...

Made a ~300km work trip today whit the bike, and the oil level felled from the top end of the full section, all the way down to the lower limit.

trip was constant highway driving, whit average speed of ~110mph

There is no smoke coming from the pipe, and it doesent leak anywhere, so crankcase ventilation ? or ?

Second: Any triks to improve low speed driveability? When cruising in city, the ride is bit bumpy on first and second gear, you just cant maintain smooth ride, and you can find every singe bit of play from the drivegear.

Tried googling, and found some hints that the spring loaded pulley tensioner could possibly help a bit to eliminate the play from the drive gear, and smmothen the ride a bit.

Any other options?

thanks :)

Modded the crankcase ventilation. For what it looked inside the thortle body, i would say thats the point were all the oil went. The thortle flap itself was covered in some old oil, like the intake manifold.

Quick cleaned the biggest oils, need to take it apart on weekend and clean it all.

Any ideas for the bumpy ride issue ?

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