R.I.P. Fellow riders

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Wow that is crazy, go to show no matter how good of a rider you are, many times it isnt you that has control of a crash.

The reason I always wear my gear.
I live in Lakeside California and have seen these fellows around. Hop they find that gold honda civic.
RIP... always sad when a fellow biker goes down but 5 is unthinkable...


have you guys red some of the comments posted at the bottom of that report?

just goes to show that most cagers (car drivers) are ******* ignorant ***** who chose to blame the rider for their stupid self centred irresponsible actions..

one guy goes as far as suggesting that they deserved to die cause the stupid enough to ride a motorcycle.
So sad to see things like this... I hope they find the coward in the gold civ. I don't usually get passed by cars on my bike but on two occasions I have had cars come into my lane to begin passing and almost hit me head on.

Who in their right mind tries to pass a long line of bikes in a honda civic. Just proves again that most of the time stupid people do dumb **** and innocent(s) people get hurt or killed.

Thoughts and prayers to the fam of these guys.
the title makes it sound like we all died except the poster, im still kickin.

but anywho, yeah its allways sad when that stuff happens
This is driving me nuts! I understand stuff happens but when one person it so impatient and passes a line of bikes in the desert (very, very unpopulated area) and he causes this much carnage and death and he just runs away? Somebody knows who this “person” is and I hope he is brought to justice. If any of the surviving members read this post, I live in Lakeside and if I can do ANYTHING for the families please contact me.