race ecm and D&D

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Well-known member
Feb 17, 2010
any thoughts or experience? i have heard good and bad about pairing the two. heard from some its great and some say it sucks because the race ecm is tuned for the race can and its nothing like the free flowing D&D.
Every pipe flows differently so you'll need a map that matches the D&D. Someone has it on here for sure, you may run lean with the race ECM I think.
It will be better than having a stock map but it will not be perfect. That being said I am sure there is a better map running around here some were for the d&d.
so far im just running stock, and looking for something a little better. i have only put about 50 miles on the pipe so far because the snow flew right after i got it on. but from the little short ride i took it seemed to run pretty well, but i know D&D's will run lean, and im sure someone out there has a good map for a D&D or some good advice on how to tune
are you on an XB9 or 12?

mine was dealer tuned by the previous owner and if you know how I can copy the map with ecm spy (I just got it this winter and have not used it yet) I could email what is on my bike to you.
its on a 12, and i have a copy of the race ecm, just need to burn it to the ecm. never worked with ecm spy yet but i have a cable on its way! I also have read about every ecm spy help book there is so i think i wont have much trouble flashing it to my bike. i guess once the snow is gone we will see how that goes.
I have a map for the D&D on a 12. I havent tried it though. Someone was selling a 12 with d&d and a custom tune a while back so i pmed him and asked if he would hook me up with his map. Ive had it for 4 months now but my bike has been in pieces so i have not tried it. Youre welcome to try it out if ya want.
Yeah its easy to upload maps with ecmspy cable...you should have no problem, and you'll love the results. What year of 12 do you have...04? You should just be able to tune stock ecm...

Shoot come to think of it...I still have all my tuned maps on my laptop for all my mods. Special ops pipe, k&n, open airbox kit and breather re-route with catch can. Anyone need that set up hit me up...have no problem sharing...well as long as it's ok to share.
i do have an 04. bought her off an 80 yr old man form alaska. just moved down to WI and retired from the navy. so she was BONE stock. including tires. not any more! :D
i have an 08 12r with D&D and K&N i got my map from american sportbike and i love it