Rats Nest

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Sep 9, 2010
Brought the bike in for this years inspection sticker. after 5 minutes or so the guy tells me it fails cause the throttle is sticking. Honestly, its never stuck on me even during the ride to the shop. So as I'm taking a quick look a mouse comes running out from between the jugs and hits the floor running. Got home to find this. Stuff was packed in there pretty good restricting the linkage. Took it out and all is fine.

F'n rodents.
Oh man that sucks. That's why in my "winter prep" video, I instructed to tape shut intakes and exhaust, but I didn't think of the area under the airbox.

What was it that was stuffed in there?
Mostly fiberglass insulation and chewed up rags.

BTW - this wasn't after winter storage. I've put over 1000 miles on in the last month, I rode Tuesday without problems and brought the bike in for inspection Thursday. Bike is kept in my garage, gues its time to get some poison!
Or, dab some peanut butter halfway down the inside of a 5 gallon bucket, fill 1/3 with water ,then a little runway to the bucket.They go for the food , can't get out, and drown.

Dead, poisoned mice stink! [down]
the cat would work. the other day i walked out and found half a squirrel on the front porch and the day before that a robin. plenty of moles and mice as well. although it did not take care of the raccoon that was stealing its food from the can we keep it in, we had to interfere for that one.
Our cat is 100% an inside cat only, our last house was a 50 years old pier and beam house. I had rats in the garage and mice all over the backyard.
We NEVER had any problems with rodents inside the actual house though HAHA.
The rodents learned real fast coming in was a bad idea.
I wish the poor lizards would have gotten the memo too!
Terriers are pretty good at catching squirrels, rabbits, whatever comes in the backyard.

I opened the trunk of my Fiero this spring to find chewed acorns and other tree rat evidence. How it got in I have no idea.
Gotta love winter storage, eh? That's why I tape my muffler tip to ensure they don't try to get in there.
nilla, just got home from big swap meet in Keene,N,H., about the runway....

Put a stool or short bench next to the bucket, they'll find their way up to that,then place a piece of board or something similar from stool to the bucket.It works great!

In freezing weather, use non-toxic antifreeze instead of water.:D

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