Read if you have stumbling/hesitation issues

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Well-known member
Nov 23, 2010
Some know I've had a couple threads of my bike having low rpm/low throttle stumbling/hesitation issues, and most recently idling issues. I've tried all the following (each making it slightly better, but not enough): New plugs(stock heat range), new plugs again(iridium and one heat range cooler, this made a big difference), new oil, new fuel, new wires, checked static timing, used ecmpspy to check all diagnostics, tps reset (many times), and breather reroute.

This morning I flashed the race maps to my bike using ecmspy and went on a 1.5 hr ride. It is simply a whole new bike. No longer runs lean, which makes it run much cooler (it used to get so hot the frame/fuel tank was almost too hot to touch near the rear exhaust pipe). It starts better, idles better (and I didn't even do a TPS reset), it has significantly more low end power, some more high end power, but the best part is it is smooth power transition throughout the whole rpm range. This seems to have solved my running hot issue and stumbling/hesitation issue, along with the other mods/maintenance, and the bike runs waaay better and stronger. It simply sounds better at idle and at cruise if that even sounds reasonable, but it does. The only other mod I have is an UNI air filter. Stock exhaust for now.

Using ecmspy was extremely easy too, once someone on the forum told me how to do it it literally took less than 30 minutes to do, and that include booting up the laptop and shutting it down.

I am convinced that any buell with factory tuning needs to be tuned, even if it's just a canned "race" tune like I just put on mine, it's simply a different bike.

Thanks guys!
I didn't like the race map. It did not like my pipe at all. Way too much decel pop and more stumble at 2500 rpm.

If it worked for you then great, but keep an eye on your AFV%
I think the race map helped my stumble as well, but I still need a good tune - my AFV is out of wack :D

Tuning will hopefully start in about a week or two.
Between Buells I owned a KTM Superduke. On them we totally disabled the O2 sensors.
My bike's a 2005 xb9r, it's the "race map" that came with the cable I bought on ebay. I assume the same as the race ecm. I bought the cable on ebay and it came with a cd with just about every year stock and race maps.

I'm going to also try to tune it and diable the O2 sensor, but after I do the exhaust and so on. It's running great right now.
it's the "race map" that came with the cable I bought on ebay. I assume the same as the race ecm. I bought the cable on ebay and it came with a cd with just about every year stock and race maps.

Can you share the link to the item on eBay? Thanks!
Im thinking you may have to add a pressure sensor if you disable the o2 on the buell. The KTMs had a pressure sensor on each cylinder (dual throttle bodies) from factory. I was looking around and saw something pertaining to adding a pressure sensor in a html or pdf pertaining to ecmspy. I know my Superduke ran awsome once a propper map was loaded and the O2 was disabled, before the changes they had some nasty throttlability problems. Truthfully its not like we will be climbing pikes peak in altitude change that we would need the o2 to adjust for us :)
Sorry vtech, I bought it about a year ago so honestly don't remember the link. If you just search "ecmspy" or "ecmspy cable" or "buell cable" or something like that on ebay I'm sure it'll come up. It was somewhere around $40-$60 if I remember correctly, and included the cable, and a cd with a bunch of maps.

morbid, I assume these bikes have a MAP(manifold absolute pressure) sensor on the intake/throttle body, is that correct? Disabling the O2 shouldn't have much i'll effect, all the other sensors should still make adjustments for air temperature and density(I think). The way I understand it is the O2 just keeps the a/f ratio steady, so even if you were to tune and add more fuel, it'd eventually adjust to the same a/f ratio, so really to do any tuning(adding or removing fuel) you need to eliminate the O2. Does this sound right?
I'm real familar with efi on motorcycles in general but I need to read up a lil more on the buell system. If I remember right from years back when I had my XB9r the buell system was a lil qwerky. I keep finding lil tidbits here and there on the net and will keep looking.

There are however a few guys I used to talk to back in my xb9 days that knew these systems inside an out but I have yet to run across one of them on the net.
Heck who knows if they even own their buells anymore.

When I had my XB9r I was always about power power power. This xb12r I have now I just want it to run consistant,cool and have a predictable twist of the throttle.
Well I agree I want consistent and reliable, but still want power lol!

The only two systems I'm familiar with are MAP(manifold absolute pressure) and MAF(mass airflow), which I believe are the only two systems for just about any efi engine... I know there's no MAF sensor on the buell, so I assume it's MAP.
I see, that looks and sounds like a MAP sensor. I find it highly strange that the bike does not have a MAP or MAF in stock form, never seen a setup like that but I mainly work on cars so I don't know... Where do you mount that though?
They are mounting it under the seat. I guess you could mount it anywhere within reasonable vacuum line length.
Thanks for the info guys. I feel like an idiot, I'm sitting here thinking about how you could possibly mount it to the intake, not thinking that you could easily mount it remotely with a vacuum line... *doh*