Rear preload adjustment

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Dec 31, 2014
Las Vegas, NV
Okay so I have a 2009 firebolt and it never came with a tool kit. I'm trying to adjust my rear preload setting with no luck. I tried the spanner wrench for my buddies 05 Lightning Scg but can't figure it out. Does anyone know if the tool is different for different years? Or of another tool that will work? It could be I'm just doing it wrong, a picture of your tool on the correct way might help as well. Any suggestions?
When all else fails make your own tool I did. 1/4 " steel ,cutting wheel and a grinder pattern it out with cardboard.
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on the spanner wrench you are using, is the hook at the end rounded or is the end mushroomed out? If it is, then you need a new spanner wrench. If not then proceed as follows;

If you look at the preload collar on the shock, there is what looks like little windows in the collar above the preload ramps. with the hook of the spanner wrench in a window on the backside of the collar turn the wrench clockwise or counterclockwise (depends which way you faced the curve of the spanner wrench. With the curve of the spanner wrench against the preload collar radius, you will be turning the wrench with the hook at the end/rear of the direction so the hook is 'pulling' the window not pushing the window). If the collar is hard to turn, spray/drip some light oil (Kroil oil, 3 in 1 oil, etc., etc.) so that gravity pulls the oil between the collar and the shock body to help if there is rust or corrosion.
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If you can't figure it out after reading mrlogix instructions then fall back on google.
I did a search and found several YouTube videos on how adjust preload with a spanner wrench.
Really mrlogix?
I'm sure your little generation next honey has shown you a thing or two on the internet.
My bad. I mean a thing or two about the internet!