Rear wheel berings 09 vs 10?

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Well-known member
Oct 15, 2009
Ok, I have an 09 and my berings might be bad. It seams to be grabbing a bit. Im not 100% sure yet. I am going to investigate to make a complete diagnonsis once i get the help I need to jack it up. I am thinking it very well could be the problem, so with that said whats the diff in the rear wheels from the 09 to the 10's, and can I, while the wheel is off update mine or is the wheel diff all together? Is it just diff bearings or a diff wheel and bearings? Any input would be helpfull and thanks in advance.
The 2010 wheels have 3 larger size bearings with a very different wheel casting. They also have outer seals similar to what is standard on most other bikes.

I have a 2010 wheel for my '06 12X and it also requires a different axle to fit this wheel. This is a page from the fitting instructions from my 2010 wheel - that shows the additional bearing and seals etc. It is very heavy duty compared to the original.


I still haven't fitted it so let me know if you need any photos of the bearings, seals etc.

If you replace the bearings in your '09 make sure you following the fitting instructions carefully - I have seen lots of Buell wheel bearing installations fail very rapidly because the bearings were whacked in without care.

My '06 Uly just passed 99,000km and is currently on its third set of rear wheel bearings (all NTN by the way). The one thing that I regularly do is remove the seals and re-grease the bearings. Lots of folk will argue this is not a valid thing to do but I have yet to have a bearing fail on the road and I have done thousands of Km with luggage, two-up etc.
This is a very emotive topic so there will be a lot of different views. The original XB two-bearing set-up is a weak point and if you can see you way clear to a 2010 wheel I would think it would outlive the bike several times over.