Since this is a bearing related post, thought I'd ask.
In Jan, I was riding on Nic's 2000 mile '04 XB12R. At the tail end of a problem-free 70 mile ride, I took off from a red light. Just normal responsible acceleration, no wheely or burnout, going in a straight line. Just as I crossed the intersection, it felt like a hand just pushed my tail end sideways to the right and the bike slid out under me. Thankfully not too much damage to the bike or myself.
I walked back to check the road, and no water nor oil. Perhaps sand as it's Hwy 1 in Pacifica, but couldn't even see that.
On rear stand, the rear wheel rolls smoothly and I can't seem to find any noise nor play in the bearings. Tires OK, no bald spot so I don't think the rear locked in any one spot. Belt also is properly tensioned. Haven't gone to the trouble of removing the rear wheel to inspect the bearings more closely. I've taken it out since for short test rides and no more issues.
So anything mechanical that may have contributed to this? Blame it on the road? Just freaks me out that I can't explain it.