i used a spray caliper cleaner and wire brush over and over again for about 1 hour i sprayed then brushed the hell out of it set it down got the other one and repeated about 6 times then taped them up really good and sprayed a medium coat for the first coat, let sit 24 hours then sprayed 2nd coat at a distance to get a rough texture let sit 24 hours 3rd coat about 3 inches away from the work piece sprayed a even thick coat when i say thick i mean as much as i could with out gettin a dripp,, let sit 24 hours 4th coat same thing just a little less lick but good coverage let sit 24 hours , 5th coat medium coat to get it glossy let sit atleast 1 week i let it hang up in the garage for 2 weeks then installed do a high temp (500+degrees) clear coat 2 coats
there is some spots were they chipped or whatever like edges around the screws that i had to remove and then tighten to install but im going to wear them in hard heating up the brakes pretty good for a few more days then take them off and add 1 coat but only to the areas that chipped taping of the good areas