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Well-known member
Oct 1, 2011
Just wanted to share some of the recent mods I made to the bike:
GPR Stabilizer
CRG bi;;et aluminium bar end mirrors
Stainless buckle guard
LSL footpegs
XB Tail light (it hurts the eyes it is so bright!)
XB billet aluminium shift pedal and brake pedal

For the observant and curious among you, the blue clothes pin, which I didn't notice in the first couple of pics, holds the small solar panel which trickle charges my battery and keeps it nicely at full charge. I attached the wires to my battery and have a plug that sits just inside the plastics above the brake master cylinder. The wire from the panel plugs in there and runs out under the cover I put over the bike, up to the windshield and gets held in place by the clothes pin, the panel just hangs from the clothes pin.

Next up are the Kellerman Micro 1000 LED turn signals, and XB Dashboard and the Brembo rear hidden caliper and a hydraulic clutch conversion.




Damn oh9bolt, you're like the gas cap nazi. I honestly double check mine every time because of you lol.

Nice looking bike and mods [up]
Sorry guys its is the first thing I look at if its upside down, dont ask me why I am weird. :D

I just dont see how when you can look down when riding and see lleub. [confused]
Thanks guys.

lleub - reminds me to change the oils? LOL Actually oh9bolt I never look at my tank when I'm riding :) but I do have a reason, perhaps lame, but a reason and that is I hope that with the flap oriented that way it helps to keep rain from driving into the lock. However, knowing how it disturbs you I'll switch it around LOL

Onelogue, yes my bike sits outside during the riding season, but I always have a cover over it when it is parked. The clothes pin holds the wire to the cover and the small panel hangs down resting on the windshield. I'll upload a picture later. Canadian Tire had these panels on sale for $12 and I just thought I'd experiment with it. So far I am really pleased, the battery always stays fully charged, which is good for lead acid batteries.

Ablecool1 I like it a lot so far. I just installed it day before yesterday so I haven't had much riding with it yet. It will take a little experimenting to find the optimum setting for various kinds of ridiing, but so far I think it is great. The install was dead simple and really easy and the easily adjustable damping is a nice feature and it definitely works.
Oh yeah, forgot to mention one upcoming mod which is oh9bolt's fault :) I'm going to wrap my headers with the DEI Titanium wrap he has on his, I think it looks sharp and it will be nice to get some of the heat off my leg as well as the frame and rear cylinder, though I do have a RRS
I like the xb tail but too much cost for me a just did the buell 2010 led tail it was like 78 , love the shift and brake how much were those?
Hey armyguy, I agree the XB tail light is not cheap, but after I got it installed I asked my buddyto stand behind the bike and tell me if it worked and how bright it was. When I put the brake on he literally took a step back, put a hand over his eyes and said "whoa" So when I have a car on my tail that is what I want, definitely get his attention and make him want to apply the binders :D

The shift pedal is here and the brake pedal is here They are not cheap either. The shift lever comes with a single wall black heat shrink tubing as the knurling on the knob is very aggressive and will mark up a boot. I chose to use heavy duty double wall heat shrink tubing for durability and because I thought the red might look good, but I am not convinced and may go to black when it wears out. The levers are silky smooth in their movement, they are a very nice piece of work and worth the $$ IMO
I think the cap oriented that way is easier to get the key in and get it off. I don't get off my bike though at the pump, I guess it wouldn't matter which way it was oriented if you got off the bike. Anyway that's why I keep mine like that...

I want to get an xb tail but damn they are not cheap. They are bright though, I just got to save up lol.
snrusnak I agree with you about it being easier to get off with it oriented that way.

Yes I had to think about it for some time before I bought the tail light, but I am really glad I did and it is beautifully made, he does a realy nice job.
Glad you posted this thread OldGeezer. I want to get bar end mirrors and was wondering just yesterday what to do with the stubs of the OEM mirrors. What are those you have mounted on the stubs? (looking at pic 4 it looks like some blinker or reflector?)

Whats your rear visibility like with those mirrors? With OEM I just see some peripheral vision plus my elbows, so they are bloody useless. In order to see if someone is behind me I need to lean one way and look the other, if you know what I mean.
Hi Oldgit, glad you found it interesting/useful. The plates you see on the fairing are mirror block off plates and you can buy them from american sport bike (asb), either in carbon fibre of polished aluminium. Other places sell them as well. I vaguely remember seeing a thread on this forum about a guy that was selling these plates shaped like the buell emblem, the pegasus. Lots of choice out there. You need soething to hold the fairing to the fairing mount once you remove the mirrors in any case. I bought my mirrors from asb, you'll also have to get the bar end adapters as they don't come with the mirrors. They are extremely well made and solid with no vibration, even between 1800 & 2500 rpm. Well OK there has to be some, but it is not noticeable. I find visibility in them is very good and I can see the lanes to either side of me very well. Yes, I can still see a little bit of myself and the bike, but that is the way I have them adjusted at present. Also if you did break the glass it can be replaced, so you are not looking at replacing the whole mirror.