OK oh9bolt, here is the new DEI Titanium wrap I put on as well as the new XB Dashboard and the new Kellerman turn signals.
I came darn close to removing the rear shock and fan so I could get the wrap all the way up to the head, past the O2 sensor, but sanity prevailed
Your trick for getting it started up by the O2 sensor works great, it was just the idea of an unwrapped (small) section of header seemed kind of incomplete, like I wasn't doing the job quite right.
Anyway it is done and looks not too bad. I put a new billet oil filter and did the rivet eliminator while I was at it.
I like my new dashboard, thought the pictures don't really do it justice and the new turn signals look pretty good as well I think. I also replaced all my dash bulbs with LEDs while I had it apart. Looks pretty good though I stayed with white LEDs.
I am going to do the hidden caliper next, but need some input from you guys. I not only want to improve the looks with the mod, but also performance. I find the Buell rear brake pretty wooden and anemic.
There have been a number of threads about moding the rear MC, with different MCs recommnded and ways of mounting. Which is the best MC to choose and what is the best way to mount it?
Thanks for the help