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Mar 10, 2011
Hey guys - I'm thinking of buying an '03 XB9R w a little over 19k on it. How are these bikes reliability wise? I don't know anyone who rides that model so I figured I'd ask on here. I don't want to have to throw 500 bucks at it every month just to keep it going know what I mean? Thanks a lot.
I had my '03 XB9R until about 32K miles... it was still going strong, I just didnt ride it. I bought it with just over 20K miles on it. If you keep up the maintenance on them, the motors can last a great while. it depends on how it was treated, and how it will be treated though. with all things, maintenance is going to be required, but Buells are fairly easy to do self maintenance on.

I think the only thing I had to really ever do to my XB9r was replace the stator at about 28K miles...but otherwise, it was a great bike!
my 03 9 has about 28kish on it and it runs like a champ! i've only ever replaced tires, fluids, and the oil lines. (then of course replaced things that didnt need replacing just because these bikes are to fun to mod!)
Had mine for over 4 years and love it! It has 25k on it, Ive put the jardine rt-1 exhaust on it an a few other mods with no prob. I had a belt break at 18k but no other probs. its a great bike!You wil go thru tires tho, cuz its so much fun!