Everything is installed and bike is running well. Charging over 13 volts continuously, even when fans kick on. Stoked!
Some hints/comments for those of you who do the stator/rotor job:
1) When you remove the ignition cover I recommend you send two "messenger" wires through the wire harness to pull the cables back through. That way, in case your messenger slips off the cable (cough) you have another and you're not struggling for 2 hours to re-lead that cable.
2) A regular gear puller can remove the rotor. It is not necessary to buy the rotor removal tool.
3) Same with the oil cooler lines; no need for the special tool.
4) Be sure to transfer the sprag clutch from your '09 stator to your new EBR stator! I overlooked that and had to re-route the cable, remove the oil cooler lines, open the ignition cover again, remove the rotor, re-torque, etc. Dumb. Plus, this second time is when the messenger wire came off the cable. D'oh!
5) I have already machined an oil orifice in the '09 rotor that I removed. A 1/4" end mill, a 1/32" ball mill to start the through hole, and a 1/32" drill do the job. It actually takes more time to set up on the machine than to actually make the cuts.
6) If you're interested in having an oil orifice machined into your '09 rotor, shoot me a PM and let's talk. I can't make a business out of this, and I certainly won't guarantee my work, but let's talk. It won't be hundreds of dollars like EBR...