Rep points

Buellxb Forum

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since he brought it up, I have noticed that the rep point function of the forum is a little different. The old forum you could give anybody rep just not two in a row. Now, even if you give someone else a rep point you still can not give another rep point to someone you have given one to before. :confused:
hey read the d.adams post it may be because i am british! special treatment i guess or maybe they dont want me getting any points! **** we could have an international "incident" developing here! lol :black_eyed:

:D ten ****ing letters
rep points just like pictures didn't transfer over with the new format...and we're all senior members:sorrow:
Lmfao mrlogix! and thrstmech i know what you mean and now i can never be a general either! oh what the bears do in the woods! man thats a hard way to say S H I T! lol
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This sucks that the posts are edited now . What the hell is going on , first no nudies now our words. It's not like children are on here. We can't even see our rep points anymore too. Don't mind the new forum but some of the new stuff is f---ed up, worked hard on helping people out and rep points should be seen. The senior member stuff is bull too, some people just started on here before the change and now they are senior members sorry but not right. Not crying just telling the truth
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^^ i agree rc! it just needs some fine tuning now its been running for a while, plus on the forum menu wouldn`t it be best to put all xb`s together and not separate models like firebolt, ulysses etc . right now lets see if i can say bollocks! lol :eagerness:
Thanks rc will do mate! She is improving lots and its all down to the awesome people on this forum! It has lifted her spirits and i thank everyone for their kindness! :up: :up: :up: "you meet the nicest people on a BUELL!" :eagerness: