Having trouble finding guidance on rev deleting my 09 XBR12. Pointers in the right direction and links and welcomed.
Thanks so muchHere's all you'll need if you do that:
Mr funny man kick rocks off my post bro. 1 it’s my bike jot your 2 I’m doing a big bore kit so why tf would I leave factory rev limit. If you’re going to be helpful kick rocksThanks so much
Mr funny man kick rocks off my post bro. 1 it’s my bike jot your 2 I’m doing a big bore kit so why would I leave factory rev limit. If you’re not going to be helpful so kick rocks.Here's all you'll need if you do that:
I’m in school and literally only come here when my instructors are busy or just can’t answrer about buells. I’ve been riding since I was 13 money is not an issue for me. I just don’t wanna be like a rhe guys who go buy the latest Ducati.Redlines are for pussies. Real men take it to 10k, like a real bike can handle.
Get or make a “Buelltooth” adapter or cable. Get a copy of ecmdroid or ecmspy, and take that rev limiter to 18,000.
That’s how you do it, but CoOters input was actually pointing you in the right direction, but you’re right… it is your bike. If you’re not keeping it over 10k all day, you’re wasting our time.
You know why this topic became a joke, right?I’m in school and literally only come here when my instructors are busy or just can’t answrer about buells. I’ve been riding since I was 13 money is not an issue for me. I just don’t wanna be like a rhe guys who go buy the latest Ducati.
This guy gets it ^^^
I really appreciate the encouragement I’m fully prepared for shit to go wrong. But I’ve already found upgraded push-rods,cams,etc