Right Side Scoop (Pegasus Style!!!)

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Well-known member
Dec 1, 2010
Ok buellers still only have the iPod for picts[sad]
I had another day off from school so I figured I would make a right side scoop (out of metal) I know crazy....Total time to make 1.5 hrs, not counting the sanding for shiny example...Cost $0.00 for some of you without aluminum scrap maybe $1.50???

1.) I took a pice of paper and figured out how large I wanted mine to be. Then cut the paper and coiled it to the shape and size I wanted. By taping it up it makes it hold its own shape, then drew all my cut lines including the back so that it pushes the air towards the engine. Dont forget about a mounting bracket for the bolts. Last,cut.




Unroll after cutting the piece of paper to have a template for your metal. Use a square to make sure all lines are square. Trace your paper template onto the metal, dont forget about your bolt strap. Once these are all established cut your peice out, I used a plasma cutter. Dont fret... This can be done with any saw even hand saw.



Once your sheet is cut out the rough part begins! The shaping. I used a roller from the chop saw, a rubber mallet, vice, and body hammer. After the enitial bend starts it goes pretty quicly. Make sure not to hit it too hard or you will be left sanding those divits out..


Then its time to secure your brackets, This can be done with sheet metal screws, rivits, etc.. I welded mine in. Since the scoop is rounded its pretty easy to hide attachments such as screws.

I figured I would sand a little to show those of you that like to polish what it looks like. I also wanted mine different from anything else so I cut a Pegasus head out of mine, (plasma) could be done with anything though.


For me, next was painting. I preped it and used Duplicolor aluminum wheel paint (comes in alot of colors) I used black to match my bike. The pictures are hard to see but you get the idea.




Last..... Bolt it back up!! Ur done.
Its an easy modd that can be unbolted in 2 minutes if you dont like it. I went with the round intake because it compliments the firebolt better in my opinion although, the square one with the vent will be on the next snow day...
Very nose work. You gave me an idea. I know what I will be doing on my next days off. +1 for you my friend. [up]
Thanks Cherry Bomb,
I was gonna buy one, but I think the opening is too forward on the bike??? If that makes sense?? Too, I saved about $150.oo which makes it o so sweeter.....
+1 from a fabrication point of view... but for safety in case a crash I am not confinced, might increase the pain. But anyway nice idea
I do not have the other side
[sad] I could be easily done though, its the same template just bent the other way around. I encourage all to give it a shot, but would be glad to make some for fellow buellers. If I were to sell them I would not polish:D takes 4ever, I would however paint them though.

I thought about this too, but it would be gretty hard to get a leg up there or an arm down there. But hey its an accident weird things happen. Although, I am not for sure if it would or wouldnt be able to support the bike in a small spill (lil bike protection)
oops sorry buellers, here is the stock scoop on my bike and the pegasus scoop. my bike is gowing up every day, so proud.


Would this be ok to go into the (DIY) page, or too simple???? If "ok" how do I do that? Or just re-do the whole thing in DIY?
$40.oo painted. I figure about $20.oo an hour without the material and skill involved. LMK.
Ups on creativity! Once things warm up, let us know how it works in terms of the fan cycling.
I will let u know, but how do I know if its aiding? Like; how do I know if the fan cycle is irregular??