Ring Gear/Clutch Basket 'Wiggle'

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Well-known member
Mar 25, 2019
The clutch on my XB12 has been acting up for a good bit now - I can't get it to adjust properly. Took the release out and checked it, and saw no issue. Put it back together, adjusted the release and the cable.

First time out, the clutch was rather tight, the lever wouldn't pull back even half way, but clutch seemed to disengage okay. As the bike heated up. the clutch started to engage weirdly, and then I heard a sound like a 'Pachinko' (metal) ball bouncing around in the primary.

Took the primary cover off, and - nothing amiss! Oil is clean, drain plug is clean. No debris anywhere, no sign of damage to anything. I did notice the release adjustment was almost a turn looser than spec. Maybe it was chattering?

The only other 'thing' I noticed was the starter ring gear/clutch basket can rock just a skosh. I haven't found a spec - it may be normal. What is normal?
Steve: I know you said all looks good but did you closely check the primary cover actuator ramp for a chip or crack or chunk missing? And did you remove the ramp and large snap ring and check the clutch release plate? Plate is #13 on schematic and sits right behind snap ring. Your symptoms particularly the noise you heard and the the clutch lever locking up midway thru pull sure sounds like the above. See schematic attached.
If the primary ramp cracked I believe David Flack is still repairing them.


  • Screenshot 2025-01-28 at 09-21-09 clutch diagram - clutch_diagram-793683.pdf.png
    Screenshot 2025-01-28 at 09-21-09 clutch diagram - clutch_diagram-793683.pdf.png
    291.6 KB
My guess is clutch shell bearing (part 27 or 28 in the diagram above) has given up.

It's rather delicate low profile needle bearing that IMO is undersized for this application.

When munched, it will give crunchy noises and weird clutch engagement/disengagement.

If you've every had water enter and gotten the "milkshake" primary, the bearing will die quickly.

Harley part number for the bearing is 9214 ("clutch bearing for inner race"). You'll likely need the related circlip as well (HD part 37909-90).

Thanks Jason! Never had (under my watch) any water intrusion, but bearing failure is something to consider!
I had a few minutes before leaving for work this morning, and took the release plate assembly (#12) out for a look (one circlip/retaining ring has to be removed).

While the plate looks fine, the bearing (P/N A8885) is shot. Very rumbly, and at least 1/16 in. of play. I'm going to check with the local HD dealership for either the assembly (with the bearing) or just the bearing. It doesn't look like a big deal to R/R the bearing in the plate.

I closely inspected the clutch basket - knowing it is supported by a single needle bearing, I believe the 'wiggle' is probably normal. And, the messed-up release plate assembly/bearing is almost certainly the cause of the clutch weirdness and noise.

I want to look closer when I go to put it back together - I'm wondering where the bearing gets its lubrication. It's kinda stuffed into a cave.
The bearing gets lubrication by luck/accident in my opinion.

Centrifugal force is definitely working against it (oil wants to travel outward from hub) as is the "cave" you mentioned.

When mine last gave up I recall have some issue getting the old one off without marring the hub but it's been years and I can't remember. Dremel/cutoff and a steady hand did the trick ultimately.

So, neither the local HD dealer nor any independent shops had the 8885 bearing in stock. The Dealership said they normally did have them. The part is used in most (if not all) Big Twins back to the turn of the century (funny to put it like that - I'm talking 2000) and several Sportsters.

Anyhow, while looking for the part online, I happened on several posts on HD-related sites, and a couple of videos that discuss the (relatively) high failure rate of that bearing, and the 'upgrade' to a *** 7200-B-XL-TVP 'angular contact ball bearing'.

Intrigued, since it looks to be a much better application than the stock ball bearing, I've ordered one.
Amusing what the censor picks up! The bearing that comes up in most searches is the F A G brand.

"Anyhow, while looking for the part online, I happened on several posts on HD-related sites, and a couple of videos that discuss the (relatively) high failure rate of that bearing, and the 'upgrade' to a *** 7200-B-XL-TVP 'angular contact ball bearing'."

Stock bearing is a needle bearing, not a ball bearing. I'd be surprised if there were any room in this application to use a tapered bearing or high-load ball bearing.

Jason - I'm talking about the clutch release plate bearing (#2 in the drawing, not #3). It holds the little threaded plunger that adjusts the clutch release point.
Aha! I misunderstood. Thanks.

Here's hoping you get it all sorted quickly. These bikes are too fun to let sit on the sidelines for too long.

I commute to work on mine year round. Even using electric jacket and gloves in the last month as I leave for work while it's still dark and it has been a bit chilly . . . for NorCal at least. Nothing like watching the sun rise over the city on your way to work.

Still waiting for the new bearing. I removed the old one. I don't think a NTN-branded bearing is the original #A8885, but photo below is for reference.

The second photo shows a little bit more 'play' in a roller bearing than is normal. I'm thinking I had only a couple more clutch lever pulls before I snatched the inner race out of the bearing. That would have fragged the primary with bearing guts.

As it was, the bearing and its 'cave' in the clutch basket were well coated with what looked like anti-seize compound - except it was bearing roller powder. Some can still be seen inside the outer race.

I'll post photos of the new /different bearing when I get it and install it.

This is my opinion - I don't think a roller bearing should have been used - don't know why they (HD and Buell) did.

For size: 30MM O.D., 10MM I.D., 9MM width.

XB Clutch Release Bearing.jpeg
XB Clutch Release Bearing - Out of Spec.jpeg

So, I finally got a chance to ride this morning - we've had really thick fog every morning; it wasn't bad today.

The clutch seems to be fully recovered, and working smoothly. No weird noises or odd behaviors.

I installed the new bearing, filled the primary with HD Formula+ (https://www.harley-davidson.com/us/...on-and-primary-chaincase-lubricant/p/62600004), and - as I discovered first thing this morning, clocked the shifter one tooth too low.

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