Rode 2up on the lightning

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Well-known member
Dec 26, 2008
My friend and I wanted to go to the zoo so she wanted to ride the bike..I didnt want to at first but I gave in. Im pleasantly surprised at how the bike handled the whole time. Didnt really feel like anyone was back there.. I felt bad for her cause of the tail lift, It looked kind of uncomfortable... oh well.

Yeah that looks real comfy........ Ha

hell I rode bitch once on Sara's bike and it was so bad and we were only riding like 2 miles. I guess it didn't help that I have never riden bitch any other time.
Hahah, you ride bitch?!? i cant believe it.

That was her first time on a bike & to my surprise, she didnt bitch at all. She had a smile from ear to ear and So did I when she said, whats wrong with it?? It doesnt sound like a crotch rocket, It sounds like a harley?!?

Thats hilarious, I took my girlfriend for a ride the other day for the first time on my 12R and she loved it too.
Rode my gf on a couple of lightening seats she never complain except for it making her hooo hoo numb on the select seat. I have since swaped to a lightening tail (thanks extreme) and got a touring pillion i can't wait to ride Blue ridge now i dont have to wory about her sliding off when i throttle up.
I would love to have a pic of Brandon on the back of saras bike.[mad]
rode my first poker run today the gut that owns the bike shop commented to another guy there is a smart harely rider he didn't even look at his bike when he got off LOL
Girlfriend or friend is the key word here. When I was dating my wife she actually rode on the bobed fender of my 79 Shovel. I had to shout bump every time we went over anything bigger than a hwy seam so she could quickly stand up.
She was and is a very good sport. :)
Haven't had her on the back of the Buell yet but she has expressed interest.
I took a chick on my Firebolt this weekend and it'll never happen again. The whole time she kept thinking she was going to fall off so she kept shifting forward (which is slightly odd having your back humped, yet totally hilarious aka awesome), which pushed me further into my seat and tank.

When I got off I swore my nuts were Perma-Squished.

TLC was definitely needed after that.
She just needs to scoot back and hold on to your jacket. It took a few rides for my g/f to figure it out. Its ok now though
The girl I took wasnt worried about sliding off the back cause of the hieght of the tail lift.. she was more worried about smashing into the back of me while slowing down. So she quickly figured out what to do & it was smooth sailing. She even knew how to lean into the turns, which i was pleasantly surprised about!!! [up][up]
I am going to be a brand new rider soon, and am wondering. how long did you all ride before you were comfortable with adding a passenger? i'm thinkin it'll be a good year before I would be confident enough in my mastery of basic skills to put someone else at risk along with me.
I rode for a couple months before I trusted myself taking on a passenger when I had my first bike (a rocket).

When I bought my Buell I didn't wait that long. A couple quick rides to get the feel for it before I let the girlfriend come for a ride. In hindsight I would have given it a little bit more time, I ended up hurting my back a little bit. (It stood up on me hitting 2nd a little too hard. She gave me a jab in the kidney when we stopped. No sense of humor.)

Looking at the couple of pics of the 2-up riders... whats your guy's policy on your passengers wearing riding gear?
It took me oh about 5 months before i let a girl on..

Most of the time, the girl who wants to go has absolutely no riding gear what so ever.. So, Shoes or boots. Atleast a jacket or something alittle sturdy and jeans. Thats pretty much all you can without getting crazy.
whats your guy's policy on your passengers wearing riding gear?
Mine is; No Gear, No Ride.

It's strict, but I cringe thinking about being responsible for someone else's harm or worse.
My wife likes to ride with me. She hates the seat though. And I really dont like having a passenger. The bike handles ******. All in all it's just not fun with a passenger.

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