rough or no start, no idle

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Aug 2, 2009
Nipomo, Ca and Lake Luzerne, NY
New to my buddy: 2008 XB12scg, 4,300 miles. Sat for 11 years or so in Florida. Suspect cannabilization of parts have occurred. We're presently in Upstate NY and not too cold out yet to affect anything like a cold start. I posted earlier about milky primary fluid. We're in the process of resolving that with successive oil changes once we can ride it. Now on to the next issue.

The bike is hard to start and once it is gets started it will stall and idle poorly. It back fires thru the air box occasionally. Starter fluid sprayed into the airbox works getting it started and to keep it running. Requires multiple attempts to keep running. If we keep it revved up it will smooth out and appear to run somewhat properly if revved up for 30 seconds or so. After it starts and runs for a few minutes it seems to run properly and idle properly. Sometimes when revving up the throttle the power won't increase. We have run down the battery trying to restart it, then it's back on the tender until it charges up again. Don't suspect the battery at this point cuz we get a strong crank over and have hopped on another strong battery to it.
So far we've done: TPS reset, Primary and engine oil change, battery recharge, Battery cables are tight and secure, fuel tank drained and refilled with fresh fuel and fuel cleaner, spark plugs changed out, doesn't pop any codes on Buelltooth. AFV is 95%. (Non-related, but new tires).

In short I suspect a fuel delivery problem. Maybe fuel pump or maybe ECM has wrong program burn? Looking for any suggestions.
Check the flow of the fuel pump, lots of fuel pumps and plumbing of same failing , also possible clogged fuel filter. if flow checks out, check the Injectors are spraying well if not, remove and clean them, get new O rings for reinstall. Check that your getting a good steady spark, if not check the plug wires and boots for arching, best done in the dark.

How have you been ?
Doing good Kenny, nice to hear from you. Thx for the reply.
I’m only in NY until Saturday then back to California. A friend of mine bought this bike to leave here in NY so we can ride.
It’s been a while since I pulled a fuel pump. Way back my 06 Uly got that rubbed wire problem that causes a low fuel light.
Q: Are the fuel pumps rebuildable? Or does a new one make more sense? I know filters, etc an be replaced, but not sure about the rest. One more thing…. Once this bike is warmed up and running it runs pretty smoothly. Is the intermittent good/bad operating habits possible with a bad fuel pump?
Ward: Kenny spot on and I had mentioned this pump to you in your "Milky Primary" thread. If there's no stored historical or active fault codes indicating a problem lurking elsewhere, all that your describing, particularly the excess crank-to-start times, indicative of a failing pump. You can simply remove it...give it a thorough cleaning...and replace the pump perishables to include the regulator-high pressure supply line-fuel sensor-intake sock filter-high pressure filter-high pressure filter bushings.
Typically, the pump motor, if not making an unusual noise, is OK.
I concur a fuel pump check is in order, and John has the 411 on that.

Repeated cold starts will foul the plugs even worse than they are now and really, really, quickly again if you keep doing that. Ya, I know you don't have a choice right now. But every several starts it's worth a removal/cleaning or replacement of the plugs before any other diagnosis. Even if they're fine (they aren't), you want new ones anyway. There is a 'cleaning feature' on the '08 up bikes but it's no magic pill or a substitute for actual removal and cleaning.

When it's 'running' spray carb cleaner at the intake boots below the TB. Maybe there a massive leak or rodent damage in there. It will rev up if there is.

You can check all the sensors using live data in ECMDroid. So you won't be replacing anything thats good.
John sells a rebuild kit for the pump.

Was it one of the he guys I met up there that bought the Buell ? One of the guys here made a fuel pump puller, I have one I could send up to you if you need it ?

Nah, he's an old friend that lives in Illinois. You haven't met him. We grew up together. Thanks for the offer, but I think I can do the screwdriver thing to get it out, but if I run into trouble I'll give you a ring. Thanks.
Just mentioning that when I purchased my 2008 XB12S brand new from the dealership with 7 km on the odometer, the machine wasn't tuned properly for startup and idle. If the ECM tuning is stock, it might need adjusting to fatten up the startup fueling like mine needed, particularly in cold weather where I was in Canada.

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