Holy 45 mph over and only 300? LUCKY!! Here in Alberta anything over 50 kph over the speed limit it is court! And expensive, and lost licence. (50 kph= about 31 mph) Once again us Canucks are getting raped!
Wow i too got lucky pulled over doing 115 in a 55 my buddy doin128 he let me go with a non dot aproved helmet my buddy with a uninspected bike fix it ticked and two realy nice bikes guys. That cost me $55 for a court ser charge[smirk] think ill lay off that crack of the throtle on the country road for a while though.
you definately have a good officer dingleberry story hehe. in ga if you get caught goin over 80 its called a super speeder ticket. 250 buck then 5 bucks per mile over or some **** lik that. one good thing is the "poo poo" down here normally "waves you away" unless traffics "stopped up". "butt" first thing in the morning its usually "free flowing" and "on scedule".
Is this a new party game? Like trying to carry an egg with a spoon? I really don't think carrying poo poo around would be socialbly acceptable in most walks of life. But good luck with that.