running straight pipes

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a friend of mine ran no muffler on his buell because he liked the sound lasted one summer,start of this year it jetisoned rear piston, tried to warn him

It was either unrelated or most likely wasn't tuned for the exhaust and running way lean. The rear cylinder runs hotter anyway and if you run a straight pipe without tuning it'll be extremely lean.
That's what my homemade pipe is effectively, Always remember to tune though. I had to tune it for the pistons and the exhaust.
I just bought my 08 xb12 a week ago. Other than the exhaust being "cored" as the seller put it. Its bone stock. I love the handling of the bike but miss the quick power off the line and/or on the strait away. I don't know where to start on fixing my dilemma.....exhaust, fuel module, what do I replaced first?
Straight Pipes FTMFW

Talk about zombie thread...
While my muffler was a Drummer, I rode a little with headers, out. Terrible. No top end. Gotta have some back pressure or your top end dies.
Gotta have some back pressure or your top end dies.
No. Just, no.

The 'backpressure' myth applies to low-end power anyways. It's the lack of scavaging that causes exhaust reversion and hurts the low-end output of the engine as a result of running too-large diameter header(s).
^ [up]

Why everyone give you crap jetlee? You post good info lol.

Smaller diameter exhaust tubing promotes higher exhaust gas velocity which gives more potential to build power. The key is smallest diameter pipe while moving enough volume. There is a bit of a trade off with low rpm and high rpm. Low rpm you want smaller diameter and high rpm you want larger diameter.
AllI am saying is that while I rode, the top end took a ****. Maybe it is because the ECM was freaking out about the changes. The power loss at high end felt as though I was braking while at WOT.
Also, I don't believe in exhaust reversion. I believe god created all motorcycles in his vision, and when you take the muffler off, he punishes you by stealing your horsepower.
All you said was, "Gotta have some back pressure or your top end dies." That is horribly incorrect information. Now you're relaying a story with a different (more correct) hypothesis.

Back pressure is bad. Period.

Make sure the pipe is long enough to not let the vacuum wave pull in cool outside air and warp your valve if it hits before the next exhaust pulse. Make sure the pipe is small enough to keep velocity up at low rpm but large enough to flow adequate volume at high rpm. For an XB12 that's around 1.75"-2" diameter and 1.5"-1.75" for an XB9, depending on your style of riding. If you stay in the lower revs and shift early then keep to the smaller pipe; if you rev it out and shift high then you'll appreciate the larger pipe more.

Stay away from stepped headers for anything other than a race bike.

Why everyone give you crap jetlee?
I can be "abrasive", lol
Thaloc said:
As abrasive as Jet can be, its only cause He loves and knows his blast like no other. I would become his best friend if I had a blast in need of help.
Just to let everyone know, jetlee is very smart. I am not smart. He is handsome, I am pug fugly. He can rep 400lbs, I max 134.

I'm just playing dude.

I appreicate your insight, just.....mellow out.
"You're welcome", C'mon.

You derive your self worth through your perceived intellect. Come down off your pedastool and focus your efforts on connecting with people. Your insight would be far more effective if people weren't put-off by your pretentious tone.
"You're welcome", C'mon.

You derive your self worth through your perceived intellect. Come down off your pedastool and focus your efforts on connecting with people. Your insight would be far more effective if people weren't put-off by your pretentious tone.
You said you appreciate my insight. That's akin to saying, "Thank you." I replied "You're welcome" as you're supposed to do when someone thanks you for something.

Regardless of my tone (tone in text?), my information is true and correct. Should I add pictures of daisies and fairies to my posts? Would that make my information easier to interpret and more friendly?



In written composition, tone is often defined as what the author (rather than the reader) feels about the subject.

I already recommended what you should do to capture your audience; lose the pretentious attitude.

Save the flowers and fairies for the weekend.
I sorry, Massa! I di'nt mean ta offen' ya, Massa! I so sor'y, Massa! Pleez don' beat me, Massa!


You seem more like a Disney person.


This could be why people don't like me. I try to be nice, then people push my buttons and I turn into an *******. I don't care, **** off.
pm8675309 - 1. jetlee - 0.

The rules stipulate that the introduction of racial epithets result in automatic disqualification.