Sexy @$$ wife!

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ToneTheMoan - this is the babe that I had just met and started dating about 22 years ago (circa 1993). These are two shots of her dining room and her project back at that time. The dining room was for her 1952 Velocette 350 Mac restoration - no dining table, no chairs - a tarp on the floor and Velo bits all over the place. Her place - just as she wanted it!! Back then, her passion was bikes - especially older classic bikes; my passion was music - a muso, playing electric bass guitar in bands since a teenager. We have been together ever since. The only difference is that now, her passion is still bikes, all sorts of bikes; my passion now is bikes, especially Buells. Her passion for bikes kinda hooked me. So, it's her fault that I'm here right now! And I'm lovin' it!!
Those are really cool photos, you have a good and rare lady there mate well done! Nice to see her out of a womans natural habitat! :black_eyed: ha ha ha sexist? me? never! lol That is a nice story of you two i love stories of how people met. Now you need to cut a disc, you on guitar and Marg playing the Velo! (chello) Glad she led you astray mate and i welcome both of you to the forum!! :eagerness:
Haha! Good one Tone! Thanks mate! You are right, I do have a great lady. It's great to be encouraged to head out on a ride - sometimes with Marg on one one her own bikes, or with her riding tailgunner with me on a Buell, Ducati or V-Max.
Out here we call it h@bitit - haha Wilfred coined that phrase! I'll leave you to ponder that.
Nah, my music days are over mate... well for now anyway. Got way toooo much bikin to do - besides, I now play a wind instrument with help from a Jardine or a Barker pipe! ;)
Anybody that's got a wife or husband they want to give pros too...LOL just trying to keep the dream and view alive!
alright i'll play along. chick-a-dee i take riding with me all the time. she's less than 1/2 my age so it's a sugar-daddy type of thing but at this point in my life i've lost all pride and have no shame whatsoever. so what? LOL13322161_10154170918090912_613242915770230753_n.jpg
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Here is me and my wife...Damn I'm "SEXY" looking! LOL! She is only 2 years younger then me, We have been together 26 years, married for 21. Just remember guys, "A happy wife is a happy life!"
Dave, you are not sexy! Your unsexiness better not slow me down on the racetrack this season when you come just breaking you stones man, lovely wife, ur a lucky guy. My wife and best friend is back a few pages somewhere. Talk to ya soon brother....

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