Shifter linkage screw/bolt fell off

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Apr 11, 2012
Exiting the freeway I go to downshift and well what do you know my shifter is simply not in toes reach! I look down and see this...
<a href= target=_blank><img src= border=0 alt=></a>

Anybody know a good solution...
try and put your key ring through it to get home. or maybe some sturdy wire that you can find. maybe from a nearby fence. a couple of zip ties might even hold up for a little bit. piece of paracord tied through it?
Haha. Looks familiar. Same thing happened to me... TWICE! (I forgot to RED loctite it...)

It's a 10-24 you can get almost any hardware store, I just took out the pinch bolt (same size) on the cast piece to the splined shaft, and used that to get home. Shift softly!
Well I attempted the keyring that didn't hold up at all bent as soon as I attempted to shift with my hand hopefully I can find a temp screw at my shop currently on base and at a course so have to 5rh gear it to my parent unit after we're released
Yep, I had that exact thing happen to me last year. Luckily & coincidentally it was when I was already on my way to the HD/Buell shop to pick up some Novus polish and the bolt fell out literally 1/4 mile from there. Just got off at the exit RIGHT at the turn in to the shop. Had to slow to about 10mph but the XB12 pulled itself across the road in 5th thanks to the 87ft/lbs. Just purchased a replacement bolt there and back on my way.
That reminds me, I still need to Locktite that muther.
I have had to use a big cotter pin before. It will work if you shift easy. Good luck man.
Well I attempted the keyring that didn't hold up at all bent as soon as I attempted to shift with my hand

dont try to shift it when its not running, its a lot harder to get these piles to shift like that.

I just took out the pinch bolt (same size) on the cast piece to the splined shaft, and used that to get home. Shift softly!

thats a good idea. obviously the best is a replacement bolt but i assumed that could not be had.
Found a replacement during chow but yeah I guess having it on would have helped haha and my windscreen bolts are spikes now made of softer material meaning I should just keep the stock bolts in my bike for this scenario in the future
Update didn't get loctight in time screw fell out again and the windshield screws are the correct diameter but the wrong thread
Cut a piece of your boot lace and tie it hella tight and sift soft and only while moving don't hit neutral when stopping.?
Haha the sheering force of the two moving pieces would just cut the bootlace good thing I got all green lights up until my house! Just got done installing a new bolt from Lowes with locktight this time and an additional lock nut on the other side that B isn't going anywhere again! Haha but still put a few extras in the tail just in case it's brothers decide to commit suicide as well :-D
Mine snapped off a while back. Fortunately I was in the parking lot at work... Just had to get a ride. I think I got a couple of 10-24s from the hardware store. I had to drill it out though. I ended up getting a new linkage from ASB and also a couple more bolts. Good idea to carry a spare bolt!
Had exactly the SAME thing happen to me. I found a piece of 5 gal bucket handle at the end of the off ramp and was able to fashion a bent pin to get me home. (Sure am glad I have a multitool in the "trunk".
kudos on the safety lines!

i could tell mine had thread lock at one point probably stock but still found its way off probably not a COMMON problem but still quite the annoying one