Some harley guys/girls suck!

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And I've even ridden next to a scooter :)

Some people are just pricks. I don't like cruisers, but I have no problem with you liking them. My dad rides a road king, my brother has a sporty and a victory, another friend a vrod, and another friend a honda cruiser. I ride with them all. The only one that can keep up is my brother's sporty(100rwhp). My dad's road king is no slouch either but it's got work done to it. Same with that honda cruiser, but it's 1800cc I think. They have gobs of torque, but like mentioned above maybe 60-80hp max. They are powerful but still slow. My brother's sporty is the only one that's pretty quick but that's because he replicated the buell engine with his.
In my experience, Harley owners around here (New Mexico) may say things like that, but most of them will admit that they like the Buells, but are too sucked into HD to ride anything but. The last few times I have told someone that I ride a Buell (and they ride Harley) they each responded the same way..."Buells are bad ass bikes!"

I think it is like those of us who have served in the military, we each give the different branches **** because we feel a sense of pride in whichever branch we served in... at the end of the day, even though I poke fun at other branches I still respect all military members equally.

The same goes with bikes...I love my Buell, and I make fun of the ricers, and the garage jewelry that everyone else rides, but at the end of the day, a bike is a bike, and I can respect everyone's likes/ dislikes when it comes to their ride of choice...although I may not always admit it :)

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