Some people have no respect

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Beating little kids?

I think that part was a joke lol

I think its just a matter of respect for a strangers stuff.. back to the ferrari reference.. If ya see a nice car you dont help yourself to sit in it to get an action shot for facebook
I didn't over reacted I was pissed about it but she apologized afterwards and said that she just had a fucktarded moment and would never do it to anyone else ever again. I just rolled my eyes and sat on my bike.
Invest in an alarm. That worked with my last one. Had a kid and his mom walk by my bike and the kid went to touch it, i set the alarm off on panic and the mother snatches up the kid and runs to her car.
why do you put your bike into public, if you can't bear other people touching it? brainless idiots.


why do you put your bike into public, if you can't bear other people touching it? brainless idiots.

It's not about being brainless idiots. No one is opposed to people appreciating their nice **** including their motorcycle. No one is opposed to people looking at it, checking it out, admiring it, etc. But if some one gets on it, burns themselves on the headers, scratches the air box cover as they drape all over it, or worse knock it over and it falls on them or breaks the shifter off or something, I think that's where the issue comes in.

I'm guessing you wouldn't be very happy if someone knocked your bike over and did a little damage while you werent by your bike? Brainless idiots is a little strong. Should be more like 'these guys care about their **** being damaged brainless idiots' :D
apparently you know very well about all those risks. take them or lock your bike up in your garage. it's solely your decision. what a bunch of ******s here.
why do you put your bike into public, if you can't bear other people touching it? brainless idiots.

What do you do with your bike other than take it out in public? I can't say I agree with resorting to violence about someone sitting on my bike, but you can be damn sure they are going to get an ear full over it.

It is just plain disrespectful to sit on another person's bike. I'd be happy to let a hot girl take pictures on my bike, but she had better damn well ask first.
There seems to be this misconception that a lot of us on here are going to kill anyone who touches our bikes. While I seriously doubt anyone on here will kill anyone over a bike, I do think they are right on their idea of principle. I have gotten into a physical altercation over my old SV (I put some dad on his ass in front of his kids). Am I proud of it no. I actually wanted to apologize but realized that he and his kids had learned a lesson, if it's not yours don't ******* touch it. It's not about a bike, it's about principle. Some people just need a lesson on manners. And if your touching **** that's not yours, you don't have any manners. So I say kudos to you[up]
Nope Kona, I'd have no issue with it.. In fact I'd ask for a picture of her on it with, me pressed tightly upon my back for "payment".. :D
I'd have no issue with that either if they asked but I have a $14k bike I don't want to find out that I walk outside and see the paint scratched that I work hard to keep clean or even worse it being on the ground with serious damage. Because they slip or don't put it down on the kickstand right.
What do you do with your bike other than take it out in public?
you won't believe: i ride it, and in over 50 years no one ever tried to mount my bike while i did so. quite surprising, isn't it?
You're saying you've never taken it somewhere and parked it?

And the thread didn't start with taking a bike out in public, it was a privately owned parking lot.
Last time someone did sit on my bike it was an old guy who lives in the same town I do ,came out of a grocery store and there he is getting ready to hike his butt onto my bike,I yelled to him not to get on it and ran to get him away before he did any damage,he is one of my late father's old friend's but he thinks he can do what he wants when he wants,I gave him an earful and told him not to ever get near anything of mine again,I was always taught to respect other people's stuff.
You're saying you've never taken it somewhere and parked it?
where? i said, if i do, i have to take the risk. whether to park it in public or not is my decision. as a matter of fact, for decades most of my bikes were parked at the side of the road. hundreds of disrespectfull dogs peed at them wheels, thousands of disrespectfull birds took a **** on them and millions of disrespectfull raindrops hit them. ******* clouds, i even shouted at them, but they showed no respect at all. dumb raindrops!!! damn i hate raindrops!!!eleven!![mad]
Ich, while I respect your right to have an opinion, your opinion is short sighted, lacks depth, and is just plain laughable. You've effectively likened we as people to animals and rain drops. At the very least be intelligent in the manner in which you express yourself.

I was just going to give my $00.02, but all I had was a $20. Don't worry though, you can keep the change. ;)