Someone Confirm this pweease!

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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2010
So as some of you know I wrecked the crap outta my first 08 1125. it suffered from the ever prominent clutch weep issue.

So when I picked up my next 08 1125 last week I looked to see if it was leaking.. the cover seems to be from an 09? The puck or whatever you wanna call it (where it leaks form ) is different, and there is also an 1125 badge above the puck on the case? Could it be an 09 cover? The bikes at home but I will be back there on friday. I will put up pics.
I know this isnt much help but i can only confirm you must enjoy the touch of a man because of your spelling of the word please![cool]
I know this isnt much help but i can only confirm you must enjoy the touch of a man because of your spelling of the word please!

Haha! [up] You asked for that man! :p
I know this isnt much help but i can only confirm you must enjoy the touch of a man because of your spelling of the word please!

ha...well played...well played.