Speared in octopus

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Well-known member
Aug 6, 2010
In no way is this related to my motorcycle but still wanna share ..

So today while snorkeling/spear fishing .. I was chasing a little fish in circles and kept missing it. During one of those misses .. the spear head went under a rock. I pull it out with an octopus' leg on it. We try to pull the whole of the octopus out but to no avail .. a wave swept me back a few feet and when I swam back, it was... gone

Coolest experience in Hawaii so far!!!!
To paralyze an octopus, put your thumb in the ventricle and flip its head inside out. Keeps it fresh till you want to eat it.
Cooking them is a delicate process. You either have to cook them very, very quickly, or you have to braise them for long periods of time. Otherwise they come out very, very tough.

I do have to ask, though. What were you doing trying to spear an octopus if you weren't prepared to eat it? Seems like a waste to me.
What do they taste like? Might have to try one now...

I wasn't even looking for one .. it was hiding under a ledge type rock and my spear went in there unintentiolly .. then when I saw it I just tried to get it to come out so I could take a better look at it. Didn't wanna finish it off or anything
Have you eaten squid before? The flavor is delicately salty, and fairly sweet. When cooked properly it's a real treat.

Good on you for not killing without using. I'm a big proponent of not wasting anything (except the octopus' beak and maybe the mantle, because they're not very delicious).

If you're in Hawaii, you can probably find it in a variety of venues. Try octopus sushi. It's sliced thin, which improves its tenderness, and it's flavor matches the sushi rice pretty wonderfully.
Just be careful next time you go after one. They can be very aggressive (and frequently venomous in tropical waters). They've been known to attach to people's faces and take some mighty big chunks out with their beaks. That's not to mention the risk of drowning, either.

Ask me how I know...