Sprocket Cover Oil Leak

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Ivy Mike

May 4, 2015
Went and gave the the bike a thorough wash and detailing over the weekend. Took off the chin fairing and sprocket cover and cleaned ever nook and cranny. When I took the sprocket cover off a little oil leaked out initially and then continued to slowly leak out of the hole where the rear screw holds the cover on. I would wipe the hole out and slowly it would pool and run down after awhile. Has anyone encountered this before? I will note that the rear screw was definitely not torqued to spec and since re installing the cover I haven't noticed any oil on the ground. Just wondering if oil should be there in the first place. A screw hole seems like an odd play for an oil leak.
There is definitely no oil in the swingarm bolt. That's a new one. Its coming from somewhere else and collecting in there somehow.
You sure that's oil and not rusty water or condensation that's gotten stuck in there?
Are you the original owner of the bike?
Unless someone put oil or grease in that hole in the past there really isn't a way for it to get inside your swingarm pivot bolt.
One thing I would check just to make sure it's no seeping into the back of the sprocket cover bolt and what not is the transmission vent tube. That's the only thing I could imagine might seep any oil into that area. But that's a stretch.
I would spray some brake cleaner in there and dry it out with compressed air to make sure it was good and oil free and then keep an eye on it.
Seems like a freak occurance to me.
Keep us updated.
Definitely oil and I'm the third owner of the bike. The bike has about 9400 miles on it BTW. I noticed when I bought it the rear sprocket screw and cover was wet with oil but not leaking. I did change the oil and primary oil after bringing it home. The oil seeping out of that hole was pretty clean, could it be some type of overflow from the primary? I did have the bike up on a front and rear Pit Bull stand at the time so it was upright. From what I could tell the oil was not coming out of the screw hole but the slightly larger surrounding hole. Almost looks like there's little outlets surrounding that screw hole if you could zoom in close enough. Appeared to be seeping out of those outlets. Probably leaked 5 - 10 drops of oil on the catch cloth i had underneath it. No leaking from sitting in the driveway for a couple of days after torquing the sprocket cover to spec though.
For ***** and gurgles, check your speedo sensor. It could be leaking from there and running down the side. That's the only thing I can think of if you have checked the vent tube and base of the cylinders.
mike: the usual good suspicions and info from the usual suspects. there is no source of oil or containment of oil in this are of your XB. the source is somewhere behind and above or in front of. you might consider removing your right side drivers peg and mount, then remove rear axle pinch bolt....loosen axle precisely 21 turns and no more...and remove idler pulley. this will allow you to move the belt a great deal and with flashlight peer behind the engine case at the s/arm bolt area. that is where your leak is. i suspect your primary vent tube is either pinched or worn/burnt thru for some unknown reason.