Sprocket ratio help

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And can I go with this instead of the sprocket pulley?

That's for a belt I believe. I don't know that would be a wise move. I figure a chain might tear that pulley up.
And did you need a new idler pulley arm? Or did you just swap out the pulley to sprocket
Idk, uly said something about pitch and roller per foot?

He's talking about the pitch. 520 or 530. You have to match the sprocket and chain. 520 sprocket requires 520 chain. 530 requires 530. Simple as that.

Go to your other thread you posted about the chain conversion. I posted one of my threads on chain conversions and it has more info on there including pictures, lists of parts and prices, and links on the right parts needed. Several folks including EricZ, Onelogue, and Xopti offered good info.

You'll also need a chain guide or some refer to it as a swing arm protector.

If you're worried about getting the right parts, just buy a chain conversion kit from Free Spirits, Grand Stand Designs to name a few.
I appreciate the help, all I need now is the chain guide and chain
Those kits are complete rip offs
luc: bike sprocket/pulley tooth count same as ring and pinion tooth count in a car, truck, etc. it works like this. the higher the gear ratio # the "lower" or "shorter" it is geared. the lower the gear ratio # the "higher" or "taller" it is geared. in a car you divide the amount of pinion teeth into the amount of ring gear teeth to give you the differential ration. example is 15 pinion teeth divided into 50 ring gear teeth yields a differential ratio of 3.33. divide the amount of front sprocket/pulley teeth into the amount of rear sprocket/pulley teeth and that yields your final drive ratio for your bike. works the same whether belt or chain driven. the higher the # the more grunt or acceleration you'll theoretically have. the lower the # the higher your top speed would theoretically be. hope that helps.
What length of chain are you guys buying?
Lunatic: that makes sense, thank you
I bought a 120 but didn't use all the links.

