cleve,if your bike is stalling when you first start the Engine and touch the Throttle , for riding off, then most likely your Throttle position Sensor could be in need of Resetting. Depending on miles maybe in need of replacing. Not sure of your year of bike let us know so we can better help you. The Idling of your bikes Engine is Very important for your Engine to respond to [any] Throttle Response.
TPS Reset is not that hard to do but does reQuire some learning. Your Spark Plugs are Important also. NGK-DCPR9EIX is a good Spark Plug for better Starting , easy on the Spark Plugs Threads on the Buells Cylinder Threads. Also when changing your Oil Fluid or Transmission Fluid just snug the Drain plugs so as not to strip them out.
Also the Stock Plugs are fine as well. NGK plugs have a Small TIP or Electrode so it is easy to damage if the wrong Plug Gapper is used. Wire Gapper is best for checking.TO/35 ths., is the best area setting for gapping.There is plenty of Videos here you can view [Daves DIY videos all in one thread] worded just like that, here on the Forum will be of help to you.Not sure of your skills so from the top is usually best. Manuals also at the top of the page for down loading and many areas still pertain to the bike have been kept closely the same with small changes. Welcome to the Forum.Ride Safely.*Jimi