Start my bike or dont start my bike?

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Nov 3, 2011
My bike gets laid up for long (too long) periods of time so my dilemma is how often to run the bike to warm up and circulate the oil etc? not worried about battery charging i got that totally covered its just the general well being of the bike! Oh yeah and the Drummer sounds horny!! lol any thoughts?
HORNY! Really Tone? You have a muffler fetish my friend!
That gave me a good laugh!
If it REALLY sits for a long time you might want to put a little oil down the spark plug holes before
cranking. But if you're just worried about warm up I'd say 2-5minutes is plenty.
My bike sits for a few weeks at a time, sometimes months, and I've never had any issues
I usually start my vehicles that I store long term once a month and take them on a short drive just to keep the seals from drying out and cracking, etc. I let it idle to get to full temp (10-15 min) and drive about 15-20 miles. As far as your Drummer being horny, sounds like a personal issue. What you do with your bike stays between you and your bkie. lol
Thanks for the advice chaps! i am off to therapy now for the exhaust "thing" i have! lol hey hang on i remember some bloke in the states married his horse so marrying a bike would seem almost normal wouldnt it? i am crating my bike up as we speak!! ha ha ha see ya Julia all the best love I`m off to America! Lmfao :eagerness: