Stepping it up

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Dec 1, 2012
Crawling up your skirt
I've been enjoying track days so much I managed to kill my street tires in the middle of a session:( Instead of continuing on with them that day and killing myself (or my bodywork) I was talked into a set of slicks by the tire supplier at the track.

Not only do they just look awesome, but the strangest thing happened! As soon as I put them on, my knee pucks started to wear out all by themselves!

Good times!
Cooter i love that first picture so much its now my computer wallpaper! Just fitting slicks takes the bike a step up the sexy scale too! i always wanted to ride on slicks just to feel how much difference it makes? You better go on the go fund me page now to keep up with the flow of worn out knee sliders! Lol Well done mate on your step up! :up:
Nice pics Cooter, need to post some of you on the bike draggin your knee around a turn...make a great calendar pic for next year!
Looks good cooter, I just put apexes on my track bike. Haven't run em yet, season starts in March here. Super sticky upon delivery. Maybe when I run through them ill change over to slicks. Keep us posted as to how they treat ya as they go through their heat cycles.....
Thanks Tony, I met the guy with the Black CR in the background on my first track day at PBIR. He came sauntering up as I was unloading and said "are you the one with that weird ugly bike? I have one just like it, C'mon over." We've pretty good friends since then:)

Ya, Lunatic! We had a guy with Lightning that used to show up and ride the piss out of it, but he moved to Texas:( Everyone agrees the Buell's sound the best at the track. Even the Ninja guys:angel:

The last link was supposed to be my narcissistic knee dragging pic! I don't know what happened... I'll have to fix that. I am pretty cool... and good looking...and manly...:rolleyes:
I will Wickedchop. I'm curious myself. I got some tire warmers right away, so I really look like racer guy now!

I will say that the confidence they gave me immediately was off the charts. I won't ride street tires on the track ever again unless it's raining. Now... where's that pic??