Stock cases and big bore kits...

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Well-known member
May 19, 2015
Southeastern Minnesota
I've done a bunch of digging and have come across a lot of input regarding big bore kits, but most of it seems to cover tuning and unforeseen costs and such. I'm trying to find out how big of a big bore kit the stock cases can take before needing to be bored as well. I think I read somewhere on the interweb that 88ci kits will fit stock cases, but I'd hate to order one just to find out the hard way. Also read that the bigger kits (88 and 90) require A LOT of tuning to make them "streetable"; do those bigger kits really require that much more tuning over say a 1275 kit? Another does exhausts work with these kits? Do the stock headers fit or will I need to find an aftermarket system? Thanks for any input!

P.S. I have a 08 XB12SCG with K&N and Drummer exhaust.
The Hammer Performance site states that the 1275 kit is the only bolt on kit that does not require case boring. So I’d ASSUME anything bigger than that will require case boring.
Call hammer performance or NRHS and ask questions. You might be able to tear down your engine, down to just the bottom end, and send it to them and they do the rest.

They will tell you that tuning is the down fall for the typical DIY build. Race ECMs will run decent but not great. I have a 1250, with a bunch of other mods, and the BUELL race ECM handles the running duties just fine but I know there are some ponies left in the engine from a lack of tuning.

And, yes, your stock exhaust header should work with the build. However, you really should go for a full system if you’re building the motor. I believe Dean Adams of Keda designs can help you with that.

Honestly, if I had it all to do over again, I’d just buy an 1125 or 1190. You’ll wind up spending around 4-5k building the air cooled Buell engine the way you want it. I’m pretty sure you can find a really nice 1125 for that price and it will be making about 30-40more ponies then your built up air cooled engine!
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"These kits take your XB12 out to the maximum bore size you can safely get in your stock cases." Copy and pasted from NRHS's website concerning their 88ci kit. Though, you're right, Hammer Performance states their 1275 kit is the largest you can fit in stock cases. Hence why I came here to ask. I thought about getting an 1125, but I'd have to sell mine and then hope to find a decent one, which seems to be difficult in my area. Most have been downed or show neglect. Can't find 1190's in my area and am concerned about service for them as I don't think there was a dealer for them any where near me. How is service for the 1125's and 1190's? Not in regards to DIY stuff, but the big things; i.e. troubleshooting things that would require significant tear down or things I just wouldn't want to fart with like checking valve clearance or so on. Also, isn't the 1125's claimed power rated at the crank? If I am correct on that then there is still the 10-15 percent loss to factor in which would put it pretty close. No need to bring up the 1190's haha. I'd have to do like that one guy (PurPony I think) and turbo the little bugger to get on it's level.
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Just did some more reading and in the parts description table for the NRHS 88ci kits, at the very bottom it states case boring required. Wow, glad they know what they're talking about...smh
Any decent V-twin shop can handle a valve adjust. There is nothing "Buell specific" about the job besides the dis-assembly. If your mechanic can't do that, he shouldn't be a mechanic:)

If you are looking for more power, it will be significantly less money and time, and trouble, to get an 1125 or 1190. Don't bother with stuff in your area, shipping a bike cross country is $350-$500. But you should really get a cheap flight out and ride it home before winter gets here!

Get a nice bike, don't stress about the lowest mileage you can find, that is it's own group of problems. May I suggest just finding a decent 1190? It is light years ahead of the very awesome 1125. The couple grand more is so unbelievable worth it.

But what do I know?... I drank the Buell-aid a long time ago:)
Thanks for all your input! I don't have a "mechanic" so to speak...I don't usually keep a bike long enough to need one haha. Been averaging 1.5-2yrs per bike lol. Might be sacrilege to mention other bikes on here, but how do you feel the 1190's compare to say the KTM Super Duke 1290? I know power is comparable, but I don't really know much about the 1190's as their time came and went so quickly.
Other bikes are fine:)
Theres two other 1290 Super Dukes in the crew I ride with so I've had a chance to ride them back to back with my 1190SX. The SuperDuke was on a very short list of there bikes I'd buy, and they are RIDICULOUSLY fun:)

There wasn't one single compelling argument that convinced me to spend twice as much for a incredibly similar machine. That includes the words "dealer" and "warranty".
Look up the KTM "warranty" Its a joke. It includes the Frame, the Swingarm, and the bodywork. Thats it. No electronics, no suspension, no wheels, wiring, dash, anything, AND all the parts are 3 times the cost of EBR stuff. Still a hell of a ride though!
I've heard about KTM's "warranty", would be looking at used ones anyway, but wasn't aware of the parts cost compared to EBR's. That was another question I thought up...what is the parts market like for the EBR's? Lets say one of the cooling fans shoots craps, can you still get very bike specific stuff like that? Or if I get all giddy and whiskey wrist it, is it junk or are parts available to rebuild it? I want so badly to still be in love with "Buells" but the companies absence makes me hesitant. I don't like the idea of being left out in the dark so to speak since there isn't much support for them in way of dealers or parts vendors. Thanks again for taking the time to chat me up about all this.
No worries I'll talk motorcycles all day!! haha

EBR is still in business and stocks parts and supplies dealerships. They just don't mfg motorcycles anymore. Any EBR specific part I've needed is a easy call to EBR, Saint Paul HD (, LAP (the company that bought a ton of their stuff) or honestly just e-bay. There isn't actually many EBR proprietary wear parts. The front chain sprocket, plastic swingarm guard, things like that. Everything else, the aftermarket has readily available.

If I toss the inside parts out to the outside, theres currently 3 motors on e-bay, but I'd probably just spent the insurance $ have another whole bike shipped to my house for slightly more :)

I have 7000 very happy, hard riding miles on my SX and if she fails me, I would do it again:)
Wow, I didn't know EBR was still putting out parts, that's really good to know. Now to find a way to justify another bike while we're in the middle of a kitchen remodel...this is going to be a tough one haha.
Wow, I didn't know EBR was still putting out parts, that's really good to know. Now to find a way to justify another bike while we're in the middle of a kitchen remodel...this is going to be a tough one haha.

^^^^^^^ Hahahaha......I just bought a new pit bike because I blew enough smoke up her ass about how badly I needed it so I can get around at the track. Well the other day she says.......lemme guess, your gonna need another pit bike so you can get to your pit bike. I got a keeper I guess!

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