stock plugs vs iridium

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Feb 13, 2010
kind of informative if anyone cares..

i brought my bike to a shop to get it dyno tuned.. and just for fun me and the guy had stock plugs in and ran it for about 4-5 runs to get a decent average on the dyno numbers... then we stopped and switched plugs to the ngk iridium plugs and did about the same 4-5 runs and it was a pretty constant loss of about 3-4 hp...

Again not that anyone really does care, but i figured id put it out there so that if anyone was wondering..

Sweet dude! Glad i got the stock plugs in :)

Btw do you have dyno charts as proof? Cause i guarantee someone with the Iridiums will get defensive reading this haha
right i will get some from the shop emailed over to me i do have them in paper copy i can probly photo copy them on.. i will get something on by the end of the night hopefully

i did read something quite similar to that post... i just got a hold of the guy and it also looses torque as well..


this is the only dyno chart the guy saved on his computer it wasn't the dyno with -4hp

buddha do you live in mn by chance?

Andy I live on Vancouver Island, west coast of Canada eh....

by the way, welcome to the best damn Buell forum around, awesome bunch of people here [up]:D

post some pics of your ride if you have not already
ahh the guy that sold me my bikes name is buddha as well thats y i thought it might be some big coincidence.

i tried to do as much research on plugs before i did the tune up and everything.. and everyone was saying to switch to the iridium plugs it will run colder.. im sure it does run colder but the hp/tq do drop when switching just wanted to put that out there for people to see.

thank you for that. i have uploaded a few pictures of my bike already.

Thanks for the info buellsxtc! Was thinking of chasing iridiums locally but with this dyno proof, I'll stick with the stockers. My 09 comes with the foul resistant 10R12X ones anyway...EB must've chose them for a reason.
how were they gapped? what temp plugs?

were the IR and OEMs of the same range? same gap, etc?

theres quite a number of variables to consider before people make the judgement that across the board IR plugs will lose power.

just a heads up.
the plugs where gapped at the same .35" and im not sure the temp the IR were but i got

Ngk IR
part # 6546

referral # 1631262

im not saying that they are going to lose power.. im just showing that in my bike with my setup they did in fact = hp/tq loss

Huh, that is interesting, wonder if the larger electrode/larger spark of a "normal" plug has something to do with it. I'll still stick with Iridiums though. Seems to "clean up" the idle and almost no worries about fouling. My butt won't notice such a small loss.
Nice information to see right when I just got my iridiums in lol... 4 hp isn't that bad I'll still give them a shot I don't particularly ride any harder than a guy on a moped so
I ran the NGK plugs last year and felt a slight drag so I went back to stock. Not sure if it was just the plugs I had but it was enough to make me not care to spend the extra cash on a plug I felt gave me less performance.

I am sure they have their place but just not for me I guess.
WAIT....are you sure you have that right?Did you mean the opposite? Really? What I understand is they run cooler but less power is unreal...Thanks
haha yes.. im 100% sure that it is a loss and for my bike i have a:

2003 firebolt xb9r with the airbox mod, reroute, and a jardine pipe

again im just showing what i got.. i know every bike is different and my bike might be different when it comes to the plugs.. but we did 6 pulls for each plug and it was a consistent loss

Wow Thanks for the info.
Being an auto shop owner and a skeptic.just like what was the fancy plug v power ohh split fire everyone said was so great a few years back .
spark Always takes the path of least restiance.
Just like platinum plugs and iridium they give you longer more consitant spark longer life .
they do not performer better just the same for a longer time.
IMO best iridium plugs are the DCPR9EIX

good for both 9's and 12's

damn straight RT. those are gimmicks. ever use the bosch platinums +4's? nothing but ignition problems from those plugs. i had a few customers use em in some of their turbo cars and vrought them in cause they couldnt find the problem. swap back out to conventional coppers and voila! pure power. haha.
Yeah I made the mistake of putting the bosch plat 4's in my civic years back ran awesome for about a week then like t-total ass until I put ngk's back in

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