Story time/ my new baby/ traitor!/ need input

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Well-known member
Oct 2, 2009
Ok so one of my good friends had a 2003 XB9R. he was taking it for an out of town trip and stopped for gas. when he fired it back up and rode he only had 2nd and fifth gears he said. he took it to our local hyosung-davidson dealer and they told him roughly 3500 to fix it. he didnt want to deal with it and bought a new nightster 883. he asked me if i wanted the bike and a couple days later I got it off him for 1500 bucks! when we took it to my house i was on my 12S and he rode the 9R and said now 1st through 3rd worked but nothing after. i took it out for a spin and same thing 1st through 3rd just fine. now the thing is (forgive me i dont know the right name for it) the lever sticking out of the side of the case that connects to the shifter has been loose as long as he has owned it. i think it progressively got worse too. he never cared enough to fix it. it somewhat shakes and moves around in the case. i tried uploading some pics but it wasnt working for me. i thought maybe this part wasnt doing what its supposed to do and switching the gears inside. in any case it may be a full part out if its truly a 3500 dollar fix. any input would be great thanks
need to pull the primary cover and look sounds like a good chance it is a linkage or fork issue and not a trans problem
thanks its good just to hear someone say it you know. i will definately take a better look into this
Sounds like shifting fork problem.The shifting forks(they are brass and it has 3 of them)and the shifting rods(has 2) are actually cheap parts.I had same problem,it took me about 40hours to take apart and fix it,and put back together.You could get all parts and gasket set for 2-300 dollars,and do it your self.
The brass shifting fork wore thin,and bent some,so it wouldn`t allow it to shift.It is a complete teardown to fix.Were are you located?I would possably buy,or help you fix cheaper then harley.
ztied...the shift forks are brass? really? c'mon....If that's true I'll **** in a hat and eat it. :p I'll bet you're talking about the brass bushings holding said parts. When I got my 08 Bolt it would shift but the shift lever wouldn't return between shifts. A change of bushings inside the primary cover fixed it (under warranty) I'd bet the farm this would fix nasty's problem. (seeing as I don't own a farm it's an easy bet) :D Wayne
I live in Omaha NE Ztied and race, the lever does return its just the rod coming out of the case connected to the lever is whats loose and wobbly. i know engines kinda well but not trannys
and race pro, it looks like they are brass but you can change out for steel. i guess the idea is the brass will fail first and hopefully save more expensive parts from failing