Strange noises -1125R

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Well-known member
May 15, 2011
My 09 1125r has been making strange noises for quite some time now. I know these beasts are loud but it sounds rather unhealthy like metal thumping. It just doesn't seem right, and today I noticed a new strange noise that sounded like a fan hitting metal very rapidly, I isolated the noise and am pretty sure it's coming from the left side pod. Any advice out their?i wish someone lived close with an 1125 so I could hear what they are supposed to sound like, but living in the woods that's never gonna happen, I had to drive 300 miles just to find an 1125. Anyone have any suggestions? Where to look? Or what to do. Any help would be appreciated.

ive noticed knocking like that when im in to high of a gear for whatever speed. below 2500 rpm in gear usually