I bought my 2003 XB9S from Fox River HD in St. Charles, IL, and never looked back. They have great mechanics AND salesmen who actually aren't exactly anti-buell like most HD guys are. Before i bought my bike (14k miles when i bought it) they did a $400 "road service" preventative maintenance check on it where they changed all the fluids, replaced brake pads, bled the brakes, adjusted the clutch, changed the plugs, changed the air filter, replaced tires (if needed) and anything else. This $400 is usually automatically added onto their bikes at the time of the sale because they do it to all of their bikes before they even put them up for sale (so everything is top notch for test rides) and after i explained to them that i was a medically discharged vet, full time student, worked full time, and i was going back into service to our country (this time as a police officer), they slashed the 400$ and gave me the road service for free. My salesman's name was "Jimmy Mauro." He even got me a new set of keys for free (in case they were worn out, which they weren't). If you need a reliable place to get work done, i highly recommend going to these guys if they are within reason. I live right outside aurora, illinois, (big rock) and this place is probably a half hour from me, but it's well worth the travel.