stumble/missfire at steady throttle

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gobeer net

Aug 30, 2014
Short version:
The bike misses every once and a while when riding and keeps burning out bulbs. The miss seems to be at constant throttle any RPM. I did some maintenance Saturday then washed the bike. It ran the worst it has so far and burnt out a bulb within 2 minutes. Running voltage at the headlight seems to be 14.3-14.5 per a HF multimeter.

What can burn out a headlight bulb? Any common areas of the harness I should check first? My battery voltage is 12.6-12.8 with bike off and 14.3-14.7 running at any RPM. Due to these voltages, I haven't suspected the charging system.

Long Version:
Bought a Buell a month ago. Clutch needle bearing failed, clutch didn't work. That has been fixed and seems to be holding up. On to Isssue #2. The PO said it burned out low beam bulbs so he only ran high beam. I sized it up as a bad low beam connection. I think I was wrong as it burns out bulbs in either socket and at a very high rate. Yes, I'm installing without touching the glass. I wear gloves and make sure the glass doesn't touch anything including the gloves or housing when installing.

The bike burned out 1 low beam and 2 high beams in less than a few hundred miles. Its hard to know when during the ride that the bulbs burn out, but it seems to always be on a trip when the bike has a "missing or coughing fit". I removed and cleaned old metal shavings from the stator/rotor yesterday. My neutral light has been intermittent so I cleaned the sensor. I then rode around with the pulley cover off and cluster cover off with a multimeter hooked to the headlight socket. Ran lots of errands and the bike ran well. Voltage was between 14.3-14.5 running at all times and 0v with the headlight switched off. Maybe an few subtle back fires on deccel and possibly at constant throttle, but nothing bad. The whole day goes by and nothing.

I then change the engine oil, clean throttle body, put the pulley and gauge covers back on, wash it and it runs like poo. It was bad enough I didn't drive it but pulled it in the garage. At any constant RPM it would obviously break up. My idle is usually around 1100. At this point it would surge down to 600-700. Also my headlight bulb burnt out during this fit. I threw the multimeter on that socket and read 14.3 switched on and roughly 11V with the headlight switched off. This "off" setting previously read 0v. During this missing fit, I wiggled on the harness around the drive pulley area with no noticeable changes.

I hadn't suspected the charging system before due to the strong Voltage output, but I also don't know what will burn out a headlight bulb? What will burn out a headlight bulb so far - I figure over voltage is the only way? Any suggestions where to start? Any common areas I should check on the harness?

The weather is beautiful. This forum seems like a great place, but on this beautiful morning I'd rather be riding than typing.

I figure over voltage is the only way?

exactly ed.
2 things for certain here: any halogen bulb such as the H7 that sees a steady diet of 14.5-14.7 volts as you mentioned won't last long . i can only tell you what experience shows with my buells but i have digi-ton volt meters on all of them and with a fully charged quality battery at steady cruise they never see over 13.8 volts. 14.7 is only momentarily achieved after turning on grips, heated vest, etc.
I guess I should note installed new factory heat range plugs Saturday. I drove ~20 miles after installation and everything went well. The bike ran the best it has to date, until I reinstalled belly pan, air filter cover and drive sprocket cover.

I started the bike tonight. It still "breaks up" when I hold any constant throttle. Also mild back fires/crackle when I let off the throttle.

Working with a nicer multimeter from work tonight. Stator check showed .3-.4 ohm between any two stator wires. Running voltage is ~33-35V at 2000 RPM between any two stator wires. ~70V at 5k rpm between any two stator wires. This is in spec per the service manual.

Service manual says "if voltage to the battery is not more than 15 VDC, voltage output is within specifications." I read 14.3-14.5V at the headlight socket at any rpm. Very close readings anywhere else I measure voltage. For grins I measured 0V AC.

Now for the kicker - I blew a fuse without the headlight installed (15A)? This happened when I first started the bike. My HF multimeter was still hooked up from Saturdays tinkerings. Its hard to believe the terminal touched the fork tube, but I guess anything is possible. Lets assume it didn't:
1. I'm sure many will jump to "a short". So lets say there is a short - why would that burn out headlights? Also I've ohm'd from the positive side of the headlight socket to ground many times with no continuity.
2. What else would blow a fuse? Over voltage through a resistor would increase current but not enough to blow a 15 amp fuse (15A x 14.5V = 217Watts went somewhere)
Just realized I haven't ohm'd my plug wires. Both read almost exactly in spec @ 2.3 kohm. One has rubbed up against the idle adjustment cable. Its worn through the black outer insulation. The spot on the idle adjustment cable is rusted heavily were they were contacting. I'm figuring it was arcing. Hopefully I've found my ignition breakup issue.

Anyone think this could blow bulbs as well?

It WILL give you a misfire....I've posted on this exact same thing happening in the past. But has nothing to do with popping your bulbs.
Dealer said plug wires are no longer available. I got a set coming from the internet.

I taped up the plug wire and switched them so the worn insulation wasn't close to metal. Little to no change in how the bike ran. It misses and back fires through the exhaust.

The plugs I took out Saturday were Champion RA8HC. I believe these are 2 heat ranges hotter than factory.
The plugs I put in Saturday were NGK DCPR9E. I believe these are equivalent of stock heat range.

Pictures of both set of plugs are below. Old plugs in first pic. Front bank on left (rusted slightly). New plugs in second pic. Front bank on right. Front plug was heavily sooted. I cleaned it, reinstalled and test rode. Same story - ignition breakup and popping in exhaust.

HELP. Its perfect riding weather and mine is stuck in the garage. I'm gonna be bummed if this drags out forever.

What heat range should I run? What should I check next?


RA4HC is stock Champion # . So these (Champs) are a good bit hotter. I THINK that is the right number for NGK's. Their heat range index is backward...the smaller the number, the hotter the plug. That plug wire is probably junk...thus you still have misfire. And no....plug wires STILL available from a BUELL dealer. (Not just any Harley dealer).

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