Instead of investing in a cage, why don't you just buy a beat up (insert jap bike), there's plenty around, and stunt that? They already look like crap. Why would you want to risk damaging a mechanical masterpiece like a Buell? [cool]
the main reason for stunting a my buell is actually just to make a statement to alot of people out there that you dotn have to have a jap bike... buell's are made right here and i can do everything on a buell that i can on my jap bike. just looking for a stunt cage just in case ya know.......
My roommate has one that he's looking to get rid of. I forgot the make, but it's black. He was going to put it on his 03 firebolt, but a car took care of his bike.
Id take $75 + shipping. I called Powers a while back and they want like $30 for all the mounting hardware. But keep in mind, this thing is heavy, the main reason I didnt order the hardware and mount it to my bike.
Its black. I bought it used and u can tell its met the pavement a few times, but no bends or cracks. I was gunna shoot it with some flat black header paint to clean it up. And still will if a prospective buyer would like.