That was you, glad you did a recorded record of your actions. Please contact the nearest State Police office as soon as possible. Thank you for your cooperation. LOL
Damn, that would have been way to much work for me as a kid. I give you props on the ingenuity on that one. Oh and props to your dad lol. Don't see good parenting much these days.
Lol tone, I used to melt bugs with my magnifying glass. Had a bad as one so thick it would about scorch concrete. That just brought back a lot of memories haha. Also used to play with my model planes and "bomb" the snails with salt like it was napalm. Looking at it, I was a bastard lol.
+18 on the f-bombs.....I love em, use em often I totally get that people don't like em and I try my best not to drop them in front of people I don't know so as not to offend anyone. To each his own though. That's what makes the world a colorful place I guess...