Sunday Ride and Pics (4/18/2010 Omaha/Bellevue, NE/Glenwood, IA)

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Feb 2, 2010
My girlfriend Victoria and I took my bikes out for a spin this weekend. Saturday we took the Honda 600RR out to Bennington, Nebraska. There is a nice lake out there part natural I think and part man made. There are some beautiful houses and mansions out there. Then we rode HWY 36 to Fremont, Nebraska. Stopped and ate some ice cream and some water then headed back to Omaha. I forgot to bring my camera Saturday so I didn't get any pictures of that ride. Not that there is much out that way except for the houses and lake.

Anyways, we took the Buell out yesterday. Some other local members were supposed to meet up but I don't think anything ever got put together and confirmed. We got a little bit of a late start so we went downtown to see if we saw anybody. Stopped at the Missouri river lookout by the new Bob Kerrey Pedestrian Bridge that joins Omaha/Council Bluffs, Iowa. Snapped some pics down there and then went out to ride the back highways of Iowa. We didn't stay out there too long because we were getting hungry. Headed back to Bellevue, Nebraska and crossed the Iowa/Nebraska toll bridge and took some sunset pics at Haworth Park/Campground. Got some more break in miles put on the XB and had a pretty good ride. :)




She was sad because some people had a pitbull and he was muzzled. Aggressive breed dogs have to be muzzled in Omaha.

This was their other puppy they just got. His name is Tio. Shih Tzu/Chihuahua mix. He was a cute little ****!



She wanted to sit on it...hesitatingly I let her. I've got her addicted to bikes after getting my RR last spring and now the XB this spring. Trying to get her a beginner bike sometime in the near future. That is if I don't pull the trigger on a Triumph 675 special edition when this is paid off! :p

Best Picture of the day IMO.


That is the pedestrian bridge in the background of these two pics.


Stopped to give the butts a break in Glenwood, Iowa. Really small town. My ex-gf used to live out there and I thought I remembered some twisty roads to ride. We got kind of tired and hungry so we took a break there before heading back. Loved how the helmets got set down and the sun gleaming off them.




A nice little memorial outside the Mills County courthouse in Glenwood.


Best of what two worlds!? And in Glenwood...Really!? LOL


Haworth Park/Campground in Bellevue, Nebraska with the Iowa/Nebraska toll bridge in the background.








right on redwhiteandbuell [up]
really dig seeing other Buellers pics...

dragsville aboot the dog laws, my experience with animals shows me more often then not its the pet owners...
(nothing like seeing a 145# douche with a wife beater, sideways hat, jeans around his hips walking a pitty like he was carrying a loaded gun)
I was looking at the pictures and didnt read the part about the little dog being the peoples with the pitt and thought you took a pupppy out in a back pack or something haha
Looks like a really nice ride, looks like a nice area too. Pretty fancy for a pedestrian bridge.

Definitely sucks about the dog laws too. We were about to sell our house and find a new city when some laws like that were almost passed in PA a year or two ago. I've got a 65lb pit mix that'll take any chance he can get to cuddle with anything that's in reach. He won't even bite his dinner until I give him permission.

Also sucks your state apparently doesn't understand what an aggressive dog is, and should really have written the law to say "any dog this politician is afraid of needs to wear a muzzle" considering pits are ranked up around labs and retrievers with it's temperament and how it reacts to people, and yet that little chihuahua your girlfriend is holding is the #2 breed most likely to bite, but I doubt anyone makes him wear a muzzle. Just for reference, the list goes 1)dachshund(weiner dog!) 2)chihuahua, 3) jack russell terrier, and 4) beagle. Pit bulls aren't even in the top 10. It's pretty messed up, and if you ever see a pit bull that's ready to bite somebody, there's a human on the other end of that giant hardware store chain that's 100% to blame. (sorry for the threadjack. Happens every time)
It's all good. We aren't for the dog laws either. The biggest reason they got passed is because there were like 4-5 pitbull attacks last summer. One being a little child in a stroller...well you know how that looks on the news at night. I'm right there with you. If you saw the owners when they showed them...well that explains everything. They all looked to be white trash and just scum that were probably not even hardly feeding the dog let alone treating them right.

LOL about the dog in the backpack. :D
There's a bike messenger here that used to carry his miniature pincer in his bag everyday. He'd take it in buildings and everything.

That fuss they were making in this state also happened right after some little dog a girl was walking got attacked by a pit too. I'd much prefer if they made the trashy owners wear the muzzles instead.

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