SW Buell Rally

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Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
For all of you who live in the SW portion of the US, There will be a Buell Rally in Red River New Mexico the 27 28 29 of August. I know most of the people are from New Mexico, but all are welcome to come.

here is the post from Badweb.

Hello All...

At long last, I have the final information for the 2010 Southwest Buell Rally!

We decided to adjust the dates a bit from our initial plan in order to accommodate the racing schedule of several participants. Therefore, we will now have the rally the weekend of August 27, 28, 29 in Red River, NM ( http://www.redriver.org/ ).

Basic plan is to arrive on Friday with optional self-guided rides of the area, group ride Saturday (route to be determined) and then depart for home on Sunday (ideally via the scenic route). Saturday evening, we'll have a group dinner which I'm working on the details of right now.

We will be lodging at the Lifts West Condominium Hotel ( http://www.liftswest.com/ ). Our host, Billy Hurst, has arranged a discounted group rate for our group. You can call (505) 754-2778 or (800) 221-1859 to make your reservations. Be sure to let them know you're part of the "Southwest Buell Rally" and you'll get the preferred pricing. (I think it amounts to somewhere between 5% to 10% off the standard rates.) They have hotel room type singles as well as one, two, and three bedroom condos which could work out well for those interested in splitting costs. He quoted me $63 for a single, $130 for a 2BR/2BA condo, or $157 for a 3BR/3BA condo, plus tax.

We will have tee shirts and trophies, as always. We have had some rather small turn out the last couple years, so it would sure be nice to get everyone together for a brisk ride through Northern NM and Southern CO. I hope to see you all there!!
Looks like I might have to request a long weekend. Only a 7 hour drive for me....and yes I will be a p*ssy and trailer the bike:p
haha... that is ok. I am sure there will be others doing the same. I may have to have the wife drive the truck up behind me as I dont want to haul her and all the gear. I am just hoping my boss will let me have that Friday off.
Cool thing about trailering (bragging actually) is that the company pays for the gas....heh heh heh.
I penciled in the dates on the time off request calendar, if nothing comes up then its a go
Haha... I have never attended one myself, so I asked the guy who is organizing it. He said that there have been as many as 40 and as few as 10, they just started about 2 or 3 years ago, and I dont think they have ever really ventured outside of the local (albuquerque) area or the badweb forum. I am taking the steps to get some more people involved from this forum since I have been on here for a while, and not so much over there. He is expecting about 20 or so to show so far, but if we can add to those numbers, I think it would be fun.
I dont know how far any of the rides are in a single day, but my guess would be 100-200 one way... just a thought though.

Temps in the area vary between 60's and 90's... I havent spent much time in the area, but judging off of weather.com it is around that area. it is pretty close to the border of CO though, and therefore will probably be higher in elevation...
Im sorry but is the rally point at "liftswest" or another location. I am interested in attended will ride from San Antonio, Texas on my Uly.
it is at liftswest. since most people are staying there over night, it makes logical sense to have that as the rally point. if this changes I will update people through this thread.
update... I think we are at roughly 20-25 bikes so far with 20-30 people who have RSVPed
Yo! I don't know how I never checked this site out before. Oh, well... I'm the guy pulling together the rally. We've been doing it for a while.

Originally, it was run by Chick Hancock of Chick's HD/Buell. After he sold his shop in 2005, we decided to keep the tradition of an August Rally going. Our BRAG club was based out of Santa Fe HD and in 2006 we had a national BRAG rally there. In 2007 and 2008, we had the rally out of Taos and in 2009, we did it from Pagosa Springs, CO to Gateway, CO.

This year, we wanted to do it in NM again but not in Taos. Red River is a nice spot, nearby for our regular contingent of Colorado riders, and still near all the bad ass roads in northern NM.

Anyway, if any of you are seriously planning to attend, it would help me if you RSVP'd so I know how many shirts to order. I'm at the point where I need to confirm the shirt order and I'm thinking it's either going to be 24 or 30.

I think you see the basic plan in the BadWeb post, but the gist is ride up on Friday, socialize, day ride on Saturday of almost 200 miles including a lunch stop, group dinner on Saturday, ride home on Sunday. You're on own for all room and meal charges. The rally is $25 per person and includes the tee shirt and awards. If there's any money left after paying the costs of those things, I'll use the balance to buy beers or something for the group.

I see that some of you are from the Albuquerque area. I live in Rio Rancho. If you guys are up for weekend rides, hit me up. Will a PM here go to my email? I guess I'll find out.

Meanwhile, hit me with questions.
See yas.
I live in taos, so naturally I will ride 30 mins up to red river to check this out. I dont have a buell yet, but will make the ride up on my Ninja, and im sure my brother will come with me on his xb12r.
Hey guys I live outside of Taos, im a fellow Buell rider and i work at the Talisman Tattoo shop near the center of Taos, Bike will be parked out front so stop on by and say hi, im Jake . Gotta work all weekend but im gonna make it up to red river at some point. The route planned for the ride is a great one and weather looks like its gonna be good.

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