taillight wiring issue???

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Jul 5, 2010
Okay so here's the deal. Just bought an 05 blast for an awesome price and the everything checked out flawless. except the rear fender was off. The guy I got it from was going to put it on but for the deal I asked him for he said okay except YOU have to put it on. So being with my buddy who well knows bikes we both looked at it as no problem. The only thing is that when we went to go put it on everything went perfect, both rear turnlights. EXCEPT!!! there is no running tail light as well as NO brake light. we couldn't figure it out at the time but the other day I noticed that there are two wires that are coming FROM the taillight that are just zip-lined to nothing. just hanging, by the rear caliper. One is a Black, The other is a white. both look as though they are female connectors. my other friend said he thinks the black is ground but not sure about the other. BASICALLY I just would like to know WHERE THE HECK DO THEY GO??? I've looked up wiring diagrams for an 05 blast but have had no luck. PLEASE HELP SOMEONE, i can't ride at night with this problem 8(
I was looking all over yesterday to see if I could find a picture of the tail section. Can you post a pic of what you're looking at?

I don't have a blast but I'll take a picture of my lightning so you can see what mine connects to...It may be the same.
I have no idea where the go either but you don't have to worry about positive or negative unless you have an LED light. Standard bulbs work with either polarity.
Sorry, couldn't find my stock light but From my bike, there are 3 wires that connect to the light housing. One is a ground, one is for the running light and one is for the break light.

but where do they go to??????? I have one thick wire that goes to a cluster in the middle by the battery. But along side those is the white and the black that just are zip tied from my tail light through the center to the rear caliper. posting pics now
under the tail. notice the cluster along side the black and white.

where the wires und up. through the middle and end at the rear caliper

thanks for all your help everyone
Check with a multimeter to see if the white wire always has power, or just when you hit the brake.... then wire accordingly. But.....its gonna be one or the other, best way is to find a wiring diagram and trace the wire for the missing component. Good luck
Does your tail light have a plug like this? And what's under all the eletrical tape? I think beneath the duck tape, you may find the problem.

Why did he have the tail off? My guess would be, he rewired the tail light with the extra wires for like a swingarm type license plate that had a light to it.

I agree with flaya564, the guy was probably going to do a swing arm mounted plate. Check under the tape like he just said. theres prolly a cut and tucked wire in there.
Yes it has that exact cluster! but what you said might be true I hadn't thought of that maybe he was trying to. I'll take off all that tape and let you guys know. But if not where would they go (the white/black) if one has consistent power?? Thanks everyone!!!!
hey guys so UPDATE. again thank you everyone who has responded with these awesome answers! so I listened to you guys and took off all that bs tape that was all around it and sure enough. he was trying to wire in those black and white! so I completely disconnected them and the orange was cut but i put an electrical connector, plugged it back in crossed my fingers and hoped that it worked. but it didn't and i cant find why but as you guys also said I'm going to use a tester and see if there is any current coming from them!
Ground is good and bulb is good. Still no luck with the brake light though. Another friend said it might be the brake switch. Where would I find that on my 05??