Take a moment to remember this weekend.

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Jul 30, 2009
la harpe, il
Let's all take a moment and remember the ones that gave everything for the freedoms we enjoy today. This is a somber holiday for some of us. We all come form different backgrounds, believe different things, and say what we want, to a certain extent. But when it comes down to it, without the sacrifice of brave and courageous men and women, we couldn't have what we have. So whether you are out enjoying a ride, have a family gathering, or hitting up all the Memorial Day sales, just take a moment to remember the Fallen. For all gave some, but some gave all. Rest easy my Brothers and Sisters we got it from here. To everyone else, ride safe and keep the rubber to the road.
Yes, yes, well said. My dad drove the ammo trucks to and from the front line. My uncle was an interrogator for the Italian prisoners, both were army second world war. My mom was a civilian that helped build tanks !

Truly the Greatest Generation, but all who serve are the greatest.
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Great post. Out youngest son was a medic and did 3 tours to the middle East with the Marines. We are one of the fortunate ones he came home.

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