I don't know what the process is for the Bimmer, but I bet you a crispy kreugerand it involves BMW specialty tool #3264, and #77725254 and #234555, and #672X and the service manual is on a back corner of the dark web only, lol.
The valve service for the 1190 is required every 6200 (10k) because in Erik's words "The EBR 1190 engine was designed as a legitimate racing engine" and I highly doubt any more effort has been put into its development by LAP for the Super Tourer. I would expect the BMW to easily go 100k with proper maintenance, I don't think thats realistic for the EBR. You have to remove the airbox completely and split the frame for access. First time took a day, second time took 4 hours...
That is why my personal Super Tourer is my '09 Ss:love_heart: (think better looking Uly:black_eyed

. Sure, you lose 50hp to the new ones, but gain dang near everything else. Cost, simplicity, almost zero maintenance, parts availability, proven dependability, etc. IMO.