The 4-day work week, making the case

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Oct 9, 2006
Thought I'd go out on a limb and share this post on the forum. The CEO I hired late last year composed this post on discussing how our company takes advantage of a 4-day work week. The post has gone viral becoming the hottest topic on Who wouldn't want 3 day weekends every week? I thought some of you might find this interesting. Sharing it will get it in front of bosses around the country.

The case for the four day work week
It's a good idea for some companies but deffinently not all. If I only worked 4 daysa week I'd be poor lol
It's a good idea for some companies but deffinently not all. If I only worked 4 daysa week I'd be poor lol
He meant four 10 hour days not 8 actually.

I love the idea and I did it a long time ago at the retail level. We had 4 or 5 managers and I was the only one not married and without kids and none of the other ones ever wanted to close on weeknights. I proposed that I close M-Th and have F-Sn off. I did four 10's, they got to be home early with their kids and wives, everyone was happy. Worked great until California made anything over 8 hours a day overtime then it was quashed. I also loved having 3 days off in a row, I could bug out of town Thursday night and not come home until Monday morning for my 2PM shift.
So are you saying if you only worked four days you would spend more more? :D That I fully understand.I make my own schedule and waste way more money since I have a lot of time on my hands.
Does not work for manufacturing :( We need 24 hour operation and 2x10's does not help much for the other 4 hours.

Some of you will say "but you can do it this way..." Yes, but it is complicated at that point.
No I'm a truck driver if I work 10 hour for 4 days I wouldn't make any money to spend I get paid by the mile.
We need 24 hour operation and 2x10's does not help much for the other 4 hours
Yep, some jobs have diminishing returns after so many hours. Fatigue leads to loss of concentration and lost productivity in some cases.
Our staff feel a sense of urgency to fit the busy week into 4 days so we never see the fatigue. It's our #1 benefit that everyone raves about. They seem to care more about their three day weekends than pay, 401k, paid vacations, company parties (with at least 3 kegs of beer monthly), or anything else we do.
No I'm a truck driver if I work 10 hour for 4 days I wouldn't make any money to spend I get paid by the mile.

You definitely aren't paid by periods to complete sentences! lol!! Just kidding kid1620!! That's a ton of consecutive work days. Before you said truck driver, I was thinking probably oil rig.
Yeah I'm typing from my phone so I really don't pay to much attention to punctuation.

But I ran the numbers if I only work 4 10 hour days I'd make around 700 a week before taxes. That's a considerable amount of money I'd be losing doing that
Yeah I'm typing from my phone so I really don't pay to much attention to punctuation.

Sorry man I was just kidding. Yah that is a significant losss of income. Do what you gotta do! [up]
I'm all In! Going to try pitching this to the boss. Doubt it'll make a difference since changing the practices of a Japanese company is like asking an aircraft carrier to slow from full & turn within a 50 ft. radius, but what the heck. They can't eat me.

Now could you ban "coak" off the site Jeremy. I'm going to get rhuematoid arthritis from deleting his crap. ;)
im in on 4 ten's .At my job for 2 months we do it during july and august .I love it i think more work gets done and one day less spending money on gas to go to work :D
My work schedule kinda sux, but, I only work 7 outta 14 days, and get paid OT
Mon. dayshift 12hr
Tues. dayshift 12hr
Wed. off
Thurs. off
Fri. dayshift 12hr
Sat. dayshift 12hr
Sun. dayshift 12hr
Mon. off
Tues. off
Wed. dayshift 12hr
Thurs. dayshift 12 hr
Fri. off
Sat. off
Sun. off
DAY15 swap to nights and repeat
We have some I.T. departments here that do "4 10s" and it works for them and their crew for their tasks. We could do it as well but we have to be here during normal working hours most of the times for meetings and things. I would like to try 4 10s but i honestly don't know if I'd like it or not in the long run.

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