The "dirt"

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Jun 10, 2009
So . . . . there I was, changing the air filter. Open that baby up and Holy Hell! dirt everywhere! [confused] Spent the next 2 hrs tearing the airbox apart looking for the culprit. Nada . . . anyone experience this? Made the mistake of asking dealer about it and was answered with glazed eyes and the faint sound of crickets in the background. Those guys are awesome![down]
Made the mistake of asking dealer about it and was answered with glazed eyes and the faint sound of crickets in the background.

I found that too.. sand and crap , I think the front tyre throws crap up into the intake which gets sucked in.
it gets pushed in, & sucked in, from all the dirt and sand and any other crap in the air,(from construction, & sand from winter , and dust flying around ,and crap being stirred up from all the vehicles like big trucks flying down the road.) take a look in your car or trucks' air filter box , you will probably see about the same crap (or amount of crap) in the bottom of it too..

Just make sure to have a really good filter like K&N and check it every month or 2 or more if you drive in realy dusty conditions to see if it needs cleaning.
An old dirtbike trick I use on all my air filters is a good coat of grease on the surface contact points (rubber seals). the grease helps to seal any spots that may be bypassing the filter seals.
cheers :D
the "dirt" im speaking of is actually around and in the intakes. Kind of disturbing....the grease trick hopefully will help matters. thanks[up]
you could always get something liek what they have for shop vac airfilters where thin paper filter taht goes over teh normal filter
Kokomo linked to my post. The stock air box seals are weak. If you want your engine to last, I'd put grease around the air filter seal and probably on the lower gasket as well.

I don't think the IAC sensor tube is sufficiently sealing that hole either.

I live on a dirt road, so I had to do something drastic or rebuild my engine every couple of years.[down]

Here's my first post with pics.
Not to mention the lame breather tube gasket that mates to the bottom of the air box is worthless. Sand can easily get past that and make it's way down into your oil. I don't think that was causing sand inside my air box, but it's a poor seal none-the-less.
Nativexb,et-al -

If you've done any homework/research at all, you might find that the K&N type filters are NOT that good at stopping dirt.
Large rocks...yes, finer dirt...nope.

My CR...has the OEM filter.
Yes, I've seen crud, but just a very small amount of dirt.
I'll check this weekend, see what's there.

Read the unbiased tests...they don't show well for the "gause" type materials.

the grease serves to seal any leaks that the rubber seal on the air filter doesn't handle.
A K&N style filter is a high flow filter and actually filters the best when it is well used. ( aka 'dirty'.) Performance is a double edged sword. If you're going to run a high flow filter (K&N, fram etc...) You will need to clean and oil it more often. Yes, the oil actually helps to attract the dirt and filter the air that your engine is breathing.
If you want maximum performance, it will cost in maintenance....there's no realistic way around that.........
Mike, it is true that the K&N's let more dust through, dust, not sand! Those same tests you speak of show the K&N filtering slightly better than a dry foam filter from amsoil. Follow my link and you'll see boulder sized dust inside my air box. That was with the stock filter, it gets past the seal, not through the filter media.

Stock air box is crap. It should clamp to the throttle bodies like some I4's i've seen.
Theres more dirt out there then you think my days before a full face helmet I could feel my lower face being pelted if I got behind a big semi you can't see it and you don't feel it in a car or with a full face helmet.

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